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Can I get a critique on these sprites?

In addition to the specific issues mentioned below, how's my use of color? I didn't realize how important it was before I saw various people talking about palettes recently, and I haven't really been paying attention. :x All feedback is appreciated (including anything I missed, of course).

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/ ... /mina1.png[/imgzoom]
The hair from the sides looks somehow icky to me. Any other problems?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/ ... s/zhi1.png[/imgzoom]
The hair from the front looks kinda flat to me or something (I guess I need more contrast), and it's the same on both sides despite it not being symmetrical. All of my attempts to do something else didn't turn out too well, though. And the shoes seem to merge with the skirt in the walking poses, but I dunno how to fix that short of making the shoes shorter or having the legs not go up so high.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/ ... sprite.png[/imgzoom]
Haven't done the rest of him yet, but as long as I'm here, are there any issues I should fix before I go and make the other 15 frames?

Side note: Please don't use these, etc.; I made them specifically for my game. Thanks. :)
Your palettes aren't congruent. Some of them really pop and are excellent (see: the first sprite's red hair), but then on the same sprite you use a really washed-out low contrast palette.

You need to choose: High contrast or low? Then work from there. Both can look equally good, but only if you do it for everything (for small sprites like these, I recommend high contrast. It's easier to see. On large sprites, low contrast is better because more detail can be seen).

Tip: Avoid harsh blacks and greys altogether. Trust me, your sprite will still look like she has black hair if you use blended dark blues and purples.

If you choose to do high contrast, choose TWO dark shades. Then use those same luminosities of color for every dark shade in every palette.

If you choose low contrast, choose deep, cold colors, that are more vivid, then work into a more desaturated, warm, light color.



I think your second sprite looks excellent, but maybe use one more very light shade on the hair as a highlight.  Also, her second walking pose is a little wonky - it looks like she's lunging (though I'd have to see it in action to really judge how it looks).

The first sprite looks great from the neck down.  I love the hair color, but I think there's way too much of an outline around it.  Soften it, and then like Venetia said choose which pallet to use (if those two are in the same game, just desaturate the hair and glasses a bit and you'll be a-ok.)
Thanks for the input! Much appreciated.

@Venetia: Hmm, okay, I'll see if I can get a better white palette. I see what you mean; it does look kinda funny. Is the black okay? And thanks for the tip; I'll tweak the second sprite's hair when I get home. How are the palettes on the third sprite I posted?

Tindy: Thanks; I'll tweak the outline and see what I can do with the walking pose and extra highlight on the second one. I think I'm gonna go high-contrast, though, so maybe I should saturate her shirt a little more or something instead. I dunno, I'll play with it when I have access to Photoshop.

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