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Calling methods using string that have its names

Hi. I have been creating a combat script for a long time. For now it uses a hash style configuration. My problem is that i want to improve the core script adding a new configuration mode that lets to an more advanced or interested user do anything.

So i need to changue a lot of things from my script that already have 25 battle effects.

The new configuration style will be method based and it will use codes, conditionals and cases to configure values for the script. So, if now it was:
# weap id effect code effect % rate
Improved_weapons = {3 => {'excalibur_syndrome'=>5}}

Now it could be:

class Game_Actor  


  def calc_excalibur_syndrome



    # This iterates through a multiequip

    for item in equips.compact 

      if item.is_a? RPG::Weapon

        n += item.excalibur_syndrome




    return n




My problem is that pasting that loop each time is a pain in the ass so i created a new methods:

# types: arm,weap,all
def sum_weap_eff(code)

n = 0
for item in equips.compact
if item.is_a? RPG::Weapon
case code
when 'excalibur syndrome' ; n += item.excalibur_syndrome

return n

My problem is... there is a way yo avoid the case and call dynamically the method with the apropiate code?

I know thats bad for now. If i was starting i could changued it all, but is what i have for now and im thinking in anything that might help to not have to add eternal cases.

so the nice idea will be:
that the string is used to call the methof of the item

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