I can see you've taken a very methodical approach to this and I appreciate it.
There are only a few problems with taking a fully structured approach to drawing human characters. The major onein my opinion is they tend to turn out looking a bit like robots. This is because every line and every curve is symetrical. There does need to be an element of imperfection for something to look realistic.
A few things i'll address for you are; proportion, sculpting, figure and (i'm guessing) your worry area of the hands and feet
The main issue with proportion in this case is there is an invisable line from about midway between the shoulders and the breasts that seems to have non-corresponding proportion - meaning the top looks slightly bigger than the bottom. There are plenty of tutorials out there explaining how to draw a person's figure, so i won't go over it, but what i will say is you should draw your hip joints and shoulder joints perfectly in-line with each other (draw a line from left shoulder to left hipsocket and that should be parallel with the right side.. always)
This area is voided by the methodical process. For me, the shoulders are not rounded enough to emphasise the shoulder muscles, and instead it seems as if a sharp corner is the shoulder. Realism (and attractiveness, in the femme case) depends on rounding and the sculpting of key areas.
Figure MUST be emphasised. As in all drawings, minor differences need to be outlined for the differences to be visible. Despite the hips being too thin, the waist should be thinner, emphasising the waist and the curve of her neck should also be smoothed.
Ok and the breasts -sigh- are rather defined for the small size. rather than explaining, i will link you to
This is probably one of the best tutorials on this section that i've come across.
Problem areas:
I am guessing your key problem areas are hands and feet, mostly because you sneekily left them out.
Now feet can be quite tough, but i normally can a geometric approach to both hands and feet. and it makes things considerably easier.
For the feet, i start with drawing triangles (in your case they will both will be short and with a base slightly wider than the calves) and then you must draw a circle representing the ankle. This helps you to judge whether or not the proportion of the feet is compliant to the rest of the body. then once you are happy with the ankles, you flesh them out and put shoes around them.
The hands are quite a bit harer to get correct and a similar approach to the feet is applicable. First i draw a rectangle(for women it should be roughly the same width of the wrist, if not then only sightly wider, but never thinner) and draw single lines for the fingers. The proceed to flesh them out. Now there maybe another, less complicated and drawn out way of doing this, but this is my personal prefference.
Well, that's it. I hope I have helped and I wish you the best