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Button Mashing Minigame v1.0



Button Mashing Minigame v1.0

This is to fill a script request by The Word Artist in this thread.

  • Everything about the button mashing is customizable, from the button you mash to the music (if any) that plays during the mashing.


Download the Demo here.

To Do List
  • Allow back and forth movement (like wrestling a bull back and forth on the field) based on how full the success bar is
  • Allow a button to cancel the minigame
  • Allow a vertical fill bar
  • Allow a countdown mode, where the bar starts full and empties unless the person mashes enough

Thanks to The Word Artist for the idea, Chaosg1 for the original script (though mine was written from scratch), and Trickster for his slightly-complicated-but-still-very-useful gradient bars.

This script is copyright me, as specified in the script comments, and is being distributed under GNU copyleft. Essentially, that means you can download it and edit it all you want for free, as long as you aren't selling it.


Please give it a try and let me know what you think!



OptimistShadow;278745 said:
Yet another minigame. You work fast! Great work.

Well, to be honest this was a very simple minigame. That's partly why I did it; hopefully it'll be very useful to lots of different people. This was just a few hours easy programming break from my current project.
Yes! Thanks a lot, Eilei. I needed this so much. The only "problems" I've found are that the buttons are different from what the people say. Like, the green haired guy says B or something and you really need to press Z, not B. Other than that, it's perfect, thanks!



The Word Artist;278790 said:
Yes! Thanks a lot, Eilei. I needed this so much. The only "problems" I've found are that the buttons are different from what the people say. Like, the green haired guy says B or something and you really need to press Z, not B. Other than that, it's perfect, thanks!

The key refers to the game key, not the keyboard key

If you hit F1 and click the Keyboard tab, you can see what keyboard keys correspond to what game keys.
i think i have to buy myself a new keyboard...your mini games are really addictive. Hmm...maybe she would do us some dance dance revolution minigame heh i wish
I would like to have something changed based on the outcome of a game.
For example a door is stuck and you need to push it open, if you succeed with the minigame the door opens and if you lose it stays shut and you have to try again.



mephisto;279082 said:
Can you agree a button to (ESC) to cancel the minigame?

That seems reasonable; I'll add it to the to do list.

iceplosion;279159 said:
I would like to have something changed based on the outcome of a game.
For example a door is stuck and you need to push it open, if you succeed with the minigame the door opens and if you lose it stays shut and you have to try again.

This functionality already exists--the game will set a specified self-switch upon successful completion. The bulls in the demo say something different after you win, for example. I deliberately left it as generic as possible to allow the most flexibility for your game.
Hello again, i have another stupid suggestion for you great script, its possible to agree a option to make horizontal and vertical bars?



mephisto;280131 said:
Hello again, i have another stupid suggestion for you great script, its possible to agree a option to make horizontal and vertical bars?
Good idea, added it to my to-do list. Not sure when I'll get to it, though.
Good Script, this is similar to MortalKombat "Test Your Might!".

I have a suggestion to you, ScriptWizard.

A 'Against the Time' Mode, for example. you begin the minigame with a FullBar, and you need to press the key to support, if the bar gets to '0' a Self Switch is activated (for example 'A', or you have another oportunity). if the time is over you Win, and another Self Switch is activated.

Thanks Wizard!



sondance;284950 said:
Good Script, this is similar to MortalKombat "Test Your Might!".

I have a suggestion to you, ScriptWizard.

A 'Against the Time' Mode, for example. you begin the minigame with a FullBar, and you need to press the key to support, if the bar gets to '0' a Self Switch is activated (for example 'A', or you have another oportunity). if the time is over you Win, and another Self Switch is activated.

Thanks Wizard!

Added it to the to-do list.
Similar to sondance's request:

What about a bar that starts out half X% full, X being customizable, and quit when it either drains all the way or you completely fill the bar?
Okay, I hate to be one of those "non-SDK version plz!" people, but could you help me get rid of the SDK requirement? I really need it for my game, but since most of my scripts aren't SDK, I don't want to start using it now.

Also, just wondering if you're still working on the other things on your to-do list. :D Script is great, btw, keep it up :thumb:
Could someone please re-upload any version of the script for me please, because this looks like it could make a genius event mining system for my game :)? This would be great and maybe other people would like this too (it would make mining be work, lol). Thanks...
:sigh: The topic's over 3 months old, and I don't think Eilei's still around. diablosbud, next time post in RGSS Support rather than necroposting.

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