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Bullet System

Ok, here's my outline of what i'm after.

Firstly, I want to make a skill which will make the enemy which it is used on become weak to water, but i only want this to last for two turns. Then I want to use another skill (say water gun) on the next turn which has water element so that it does twice the amount of damage. I've tried to implement this myself but i'm having trouble.

Hope that was all clear.



this does not need a script.

You just set the guns element (on the right, with the boxes) to have a + in the box next to water. that makes the gun better against water.

then have a state that is named water, and have the skill cause that state.
in the waters state priorities, have it wear off in 2 turns with a 100% chance.

I tried this but how do you make that state weak to something else? I can only see element defense and when I tick one of those and test, it just makes the enemy stronger against my attack (takes less damage). I can't see anything that makes it possible to make the state weak against electricty.
The way effects are listed are backwards
F - means it heals the enemy for 100% dmg, hurts enemy for -100% dmg.
E - means it hurts enemy for 0% dmg
D - means it hurts for enemy for 50% dmg.
C - means it hurts enemy for 100% dmg.
B - means it hurts enemy for 150% dmg.
A - means it hurts enemy for 200% dmg.

Try looking at it that way. When you use a skill that adds a state such as "Electrified" for becoming weaker to water. The on the enemy you have to check on their states that "Electrified" if infliced is it should do "A" damage.

Just make sure the first skill you use INFLICTS the Electrified state. Then your double damage will be done from water gun. As well, make sure to place water element as "A" if you want the full damage.

Try those things and see what happens.
I've got a skill which inflicts a state BUT I cant change that state to be weak to any element. So when the state is inflicted, the next attacks just thinks its the same, hence no extra damage. I had a look at common events which could make this work but couldnt figure it out.

Thanks for all the help by the way.

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