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Bug Fixes

I was trying to combine a few scripts but was having alot of bugg problems I fix ALOT of them and there are a few That i can not fix. Can anyone help me.

Bugs I can not fix
Multi (Connecting) Attacks
Problem with the font when you try to look at item details
Trying to Replace the Attack COmmand with the OverDrive Command when the bar is full

(Was trying to put in the Multi Equip Script but took it out)

Here is a demo of what I been putting together. I started off Using RTP then Added a nother set of scripts into it.

Hi. DerVVulfman here! Glad to see me?

Saw that you're using my Grouping and Details script with the demo I made of all those RTAB features. However, as you copy/pasted the scripts and graphics from G&D over to the RTAB demo (which is what I do myself), you forgot to copy the 'config.rxdata' file from G&D's data folder into the RTAB demo's data folder.

Config.rxdata is a text file (editable with notepad) that controls all functions of the Grouping and Details system, from fonts and icons through to compatability switches for RTAB and Ccoa's Battle System. Without it, the system uses no specialized fonts, icons and whatnot... and turns compatability with RTAB and Ccoa's systems off. You'll need this to get it to work.

Oh, and go to my post in the forum for Grouping and Details for two things. One is a 'patch' for a bug in the script. It was a minor glitch that allows you to click on an item that is 'still' flagged as disabled. Second is the download of the .pdf file. It'll not only describe how to adapt G&D to work with RTAB, but describes enough of the inner workings to throw 'icons' into the menu windows (tons of 'em), and many other features.

And on an another note, it was discovered that Connected Attacking overwrites a def used in Skills that use Items so items that were supposed to get used up in skills... didn't. I wrote a patch which is ALSO in the forum right HERE! Just paste this below Connected Attacking and it'll work fine.

I forgot how I got Guillaume777's Multi Slot Equipment version 6 system to work with RTAB, but it does (just don't tag weapons in it as multiple hit weapons as RTAB has that system already). It does need some work to combine it's equipment menu with G&D's system regarding the 'Details' function.

By the way... it's one of the cleanest demo I've seen using these scripts.

And as a final note,you may find that you can use GnD and RTAB with the SDK system. True, they weren't written with the SDK in mind, but I have tried both scripts with some SDK scripts. Some work, some don't. Trial and Error.
Thanks, will work fixing the problem right now and let you know how it turned out. Keep up the good work with your scripts.

EDIT! Got them working but found another 2 bugs
1: Get a error with the fishing script if u try to save.
2:Can not use Scan (I am messing around trying to get this working now)

Also Still looking for a Script that will Let me replace Attack with a Overdrive when the bar gets full.
1) I'm lousy with saving scripts... :s

2) It has to do with enemies having "no" items in their listing. If you kept Puppet's TREASURE set to [ Potion 70% ], then the scan will work. But, you'll also have a potion pop up when you win... and it looks like you don't want to have it drop a potion when it dies. It's not an RTAB glitch, or a glitch with any other system. I've tested the original demos... even the SDK demo, and have just asked Trickster to look into it.

Heh, he's one of the best scripters I've seen.
Got the fix, courtesy of Trickster himself. *TESTED AND CONFIRMED*

Go into his 'Customizations' script (like the 3rd or 4th in the Stealing Script collection).

Find his def draw_battler_items(battler,x,y)

and replace the whole def with this:
 def draw_battler_items(battler,x,y)
      cx = contents.text_size("Items:").width
      item = [battler.item_id, battler.weapon_id, battler.armor_id]
      type_array = ["items","weapons","armors"]
      id = item.max
      if id != 0
        type = item.index(id)
        item_name = eval("$data_#{type_array[type]}[id].name") + "  "
        width = contents.text_size(item_name).width if item_name != nil
        width = 0 if item_name == nil
        total_width = cx+16+width
        total_width = cx+8
      sec = battler.get_item_ids
      if not sec.compact.empty?
        sec_type = sec[1] - 1
        sec_id = sec[0]
        sec_name = eval("$data_#{type_array[sec_type]}[sec_id].name") + "  "
        width = contents.text_size(sec_name).width if sec_name != nil
        total_width += 8+width
      rare = battler.get_rare_ids
      if not rare.compact.empty?
        rare_type = rare[1] - 1
        rare_id = rare[0]
        rare_name = eval("$data_#{type_array[rare_type]}[rare_id].name")
        width = contents.text_size(rare_name).width if rare_name != nil
        self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,224,32)
        self.contents.font.color = normal_color
Works like a charm now. Now, you can have your monster's regularly dropped items set to 'none'!!! No errors!!!
Cool Beans, Thanks alot, been finding more buggs but to lazy to repost a demo atm gonna see if I can get rid of them myself thanks for all the help.

EDIT: Made a common event for a werewolf character on my game, so he can change back n forth but when he does it show the Battler Sheet not just the one pic.

Anyone have a script for the limit thing yet?

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