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Browser-based MORPG recruiting

Good Afternoon.

I'm Jeron, commonly referred to as a Swiss Army-Knife (Wonder why?) and I'm an artist/writer/mapper for an, as of yet unnamed, multiplayer online rpg, functioning entirely from the browser. (Note that the title is, of course, a working title.)

http://uldervei.phpmorpg.co.uk/template ... t_logo.gif[/img]

With flash-based systems coming into focus, and many of the primary systems (maps, inventory, equips, the works) functional, the amount of art in all its forms increases.


current Inventory system. (Browser: Firefox)

With our small team, which was plenty for early stages, spread out across various jobs to make the game better, there's an obvious lack of artistic talent. I'm a fair spriter myself, but I am unsure if i could make a consistent job when dealing with larger images. Currently we've got an early version of an RPG-Maker XP system in beta, allowing us to use temporary tiles to test things out, while also keeping exploration and such familiar.

http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/7966 ... hot2hg.png[/img]
Note: This is an example map.

We intend to include a real-time fighting system, though it's still in early phases (and not the most important thing to focus on at this stage.) and we'll be needing a good deal of sprites to pull it off.

Spriters would be a great addition to the team; we'll be using standard Rpg-Maker sizes and a similar style, allowing easy edits, though we'll be going with seperating the head of the character (which will be modifiable on creation) onto various bodies equipped with armour, allowing more freedom in the look of your character.

Example Sprite

On top of spriters, we'll be needing people to splice tilesets together where needed (if using tiles that are not copyrighted) or to make entirely new ones. I'll help. of course. ;)

Next to all that, there's the deal with art: we'll be needing a good flow of backgrounds, item art, and bosses, which we would like to be pretty unique. I'm sure we'll start with generic backgrounds like the current system, but having variety doesn't hurt anyone. Other roles, not mentioned here, are not as important to fill right now, but drop a line if you're interested in helping out. :grin:

Contacting us can be done either via the forums on http://phpmorpg.co.uk , via e-mail (sporkincarnate@live.nl) or adding the same to MSN for a conversation there. On AIM, my nickname is RDissonant.

Thanks beforehand,

We will be using neither sprites from enterbrain, nor their tilesets. I've merely used the example character set and the map to illustrate the kind of content we're looking for, as I don't have any proper stuff to show you. ;)

So no stealing going on, just illustrations (the inventory for example IS in-game.)

the example map illustrates a map system using tiles - though rmxp.org wouldn't need an introduction, other non-rmxp related communities crossposted to have less knowledge of it.

Of course, once there's functional content of this type we can show, it'll be updated. Until then, they are just, as i noted, examples. ;)

wait, so you made a PhP based mmo that uses RM style graphics? is that what you are saying? or are you claiming to have some how intergrated an RGSS game into your page?

cuz either way your concept for this project sounds like it will have lots of problems, not saying its impossible to make a  multiplayer flash game or something useing RTP but it would be dificult i think
It is very hard to make things clear here, isn't it? Don't take everything so very literally please. Also, the PHP thing is actually a leftover from an old version, and just a working name. right now the game is tentatively going to full flash, which will allow plenty of this gridbased/tilebased stuff. ;)
So you might aswell delete your first post and show an image of an Excel Spreadsheet and say: 'This game uses databases, grids and some numbers, just like this screenshot of Microsoft Excel...'
'o.o Why exactly are you after my blood?

The current (released) game does not have the tile-based maps or the sprites to move around (rather there's a static picture right now.) The development version, which is not ready to be released, is capable of using tilesets as used by RMXP (or our own, of course, when we get that far) as well as their sprites. The reason i posted them here was not to insinuate we already had such graphics. I wasn't advertising, i was recruiting. The graphics in the example screenshots (which i've labeled that way) are merely examples of what the quality will be, when released.

It's the same idea as comparing your upcoming game with another, and comment that the graphics quality is similar. So I don't see the harm.

And again, this topic was crossposted to a community that doesn't use the rpg maker much. Or anything similar at that. I daresay an example was handy. ~shrug~


I thought i would join in on this post as I was the one who started the project a while ago, just to make sure everyones on the right page:

charnak":38a32ku1 said:
wait, so you made a PhP based mmo that uses RM style graphics?

Nope, originally i developed a PHP based framework for a multiplayer game... hardly a big whoop as everyone and their cousins have a multiplayer web game these days. However the framework behind it is the special part as its been designed to be easily extended and updated, it also has a complete toolset for managing the game, however i think im getting off the point now. The *current* game that is in test stage is purely a test bed for testing the stablility and functionality of the system, so it has minimal content and is all in HTML with small bits of flash in it.

However currently we are looking into using a primarily flash driven front end opposed to the HTML one, which is alot harder to manage and develop, but at the same time opens ALOT of doors that a HTML page simply closes. Anyway back to the point...

charnak":38a32ku1 said:
or are you claiming to have some how intergrated an RGSS game into your page?http://www.rmxp.org/forums/index.php?action=post;topic=48476.0;num_replies=9

What does RGSS stand for? if its something Rpg Maker related im afraid i wont know as i havent really messed with it much.

charnak":38a32ku1 said:
cuz either way your concept for this project sounds like it will have lots of problems, not saying its impossible to make a  multiplayer flash game or something useing RTP but it would be dificult i think

LOL you are right, there will be lots of problems. Unfortunatly thats the price you pay for ambitious projects... saying that there isnt really many MAJOR problems that i can think of doing this. We have already started prototyping this stage so we are not looking at doing this and going... woooo that would be good... we are already a good way through it and just looking for anyone who fancies helpping us make some 2d content for it.

Will this be using the RTP tileset? Because that's not allowed.

I presume RTP is the default tileset and resources that you get with RPG Maker, if so then no. We will hopefully be using custom made tilesets, as we already have a few skilled guys working on tiles and character sprites. Although the game is not a commercial entity i still want to keep it all legit, currently all artwork on the game is custom made and designed within the team. I believe the screenshots above are just illustrations of the quality and style we would be looking for within the team, i dont think he implied anywhere that it was an actual in game shot or claimed it to be ours.

The RTP character set needs a great deal of detail and has 16 frames to fill, i doubt many people will be entusiastic about spriting that unless a payment is made of some sort :/

Yep, turns alot of people off when they wont get any payment for working on a project... however it depends on your outlook, i spend most of my days working yet still come home and am happy to work on the project as is J and our other team members. If you see it as work, you wont be happy. If you see it as a hobby or just a way to put your skills to use within a decent project, then you are what we would be looking for :D

Basically the summary is, we could do with some skilled people to work on an ambitious project that requires custom tile creation as well as custom character and creature design. As Jeron said we already have a web based game powered from a similar backend system that we developed in house, which you are free to have a quick test on.

Also its worth noting that this project was started by people within the relevent industries, so its not just a group of young kids trying to mash a keyboard for a few days and expecting something magical to come out of it. If you are interested follow the instructions up top, if you are not, then thanks for taking the time to read these posts!

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