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Breath of Fire Masters

Hey guys!

I was wondering if a script is out there that makes masters available in your games, like the ones in the breath of fire games?

For those that don't know: You can apprentice one of your party members to a master once certian conditions have been met. Once apprenticed, your base stats will be changed each time you level up. Also, each time you visit the master you may learn a new skill based on what other conditions have been met, for example:

MASTER: Bunyan
REQUIREMENTS: Bunyan will take an apprentice for 500 gold
ABILITIES: While Apprenticed to Bunyan, your abilities will change as follows: (HP +6, SP -2, STR +4, DEX -1, AGI -1) each time you level up.
SKILLS: If you visit Bunyan 4 levels later than you became his apprentice, he teaches you a new skill, after a further 4 levels you get another and after a further 6 you get another.

NOTES: You can choose to end your apprentiship at any time, you retain the skills, but your progress is set back to 0.
NOTES: A character may only be apprenticed to only one master at a time

I hope this is detailed enough, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: The main problem I have is the level up stat differences

I thought I'd mention, I have some programming experience with java and C# and I've been able to edit most scripts to suit my game... Its just writing the bones of the code I have trouble with, due to college I just don't have the time to get to grips with ruby. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Reaper: If no help is forthcoming, I promise I'll do my best to get to know ruby over the summer, I know its a long way off, but I'd love to get to know this language and get this script up and running!

I figured it out! It isn't fully scripted unfortunately, it makes use of a common event, some switches and variables. I will put a tutorial on how to make it when I'm back from my holiday (2 weeks), you also need a script from Seph's Test Bed to make it work. Anyway, if one could get this running with a really nice script I would be eternally grateful!
I've played that game a few years back, so if there's a mistakes here, I appologize~(I'm also at uni at the moment, so sorry about that too xD)

What you need is a global variable containing array like:

$Actor_Mstr = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

so that the first value represents masterID that is currently assigned to first actor, second to second actor and so on

and this
$Mstr_bonus = {1 => [0,0,0,0],...}
in this format: {MasterID => [strBonus,DexBonus,AgiBonus,IntBonus], ...}

then in Game_Actor (I think) where there are @str_plus and @agi_plus etc. replace 0 with get_master_bonus_str (or agi or dex or int~~)

then in the same class, make a new def called get_master_bonus_str etc with something like this
def get_master_bonus_str
m = $Mstr_bonus[$Actor_Mstr[@actor_id]]
return m[0] #remember, array index starts at 0 ;P

again, sorry if there are typo, I'll check this again when I get home :D
If this works (and it looks like it should!) Its gonna cut a pile of code from what i've added to the scripts and reduce my events size, switch usage, variable usage etc considerably!!!!

If this does work, your gonna get credZ!!!
:x I think I'll just try to make a complete script of this.

edit: here is a really simple version. I'll work more on this at uni ;P

assign a master to actor using: change_master(actor,master)
where actor is the position of the actor in your party (ie, 1 for first person, 2 for second)

make sure to add masters first, before using change_master XD
0 => [0,0,0,0], 
1 => [0,0,0,0],
2 => [5,0,0,0]
} #str,dex,agi,int

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  attr_accessor :master
  attr_accessor :master_progress
  # * alias list
  alias lettuce_master_gameactor_init initialize
  alias lettuce_master_gameactor_str base_str
  alias lettuce_master_gameactor_dex dex
  alias lettuce_master_gameactor_agi agi
  alias lettuce_master_gameactor_int int
  def initialize(actor_id)
    @master = 0
    @master_progress = 0
  def str
    n = lettuce_master_gameactor_str
    bonus = MASTERS[@master]
    n += bonus[0]
    return n
  def dex
    n = lettuce_master_gameactor_dex
    bonus = MASTERS[@master]
    n += bonus[1]
    return n
  def agi
    n = lettuce_master_gameactor_agi
    bonus = MASTERS[@master]
    n += bonus[2]
    return n
  def int
    n = lettuce_master_gameactor_int
    bonus = MASTERS[@master]
    n += bonus[3]
    return n
# * Interpreter
#   :change_master     change actor's master
class Interpreter
  def change_master(actor_id_party,master_id)
    actor = $game_party.actors[actor_id_party - 1]
    actor.master = master_id
    actor.master_progress = 0
  def add_progress(actor_id)
    actor = $game_party.actors[actor_id - 1]
    actor.master_progress += 1
Excellent! I got to admit I got home from college with your mini script yesterday, and got lost straight away! This seems easier to impliment.

So to change character one's master, i suppose i would need a call script event saying:

which will apprentice the first character to the first master, right?

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