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Bombs on the Map request.

Hi, I only just found this place after discovering RMXP.net no longer worked, so hi everyone :) I might post a bunch of my recent sprites up soon.

Er, I have a script request (or if there's a better way, please don't hesitate to tell me). What I'd like is the ability to put bombs on the map, kinda like Bomberman or Zelda, which could destroy blocks or obstacles and damage you if you're in range.

However, I'm using a regular battle system so it's not designed for fighting per se. I want it to consume "bomb" items, so the player can purchase bombs at any regular shop.

So basically, I'm wondering if there's a way I could, like, set the Bomb items to a button and place them on the map, and have them explode after say 3 or 4 seconds and destroy any marked objects within a 1-2 tile radius north/south/east/west.

If this is possible, it'd be much appreciated. I couldn't find anything like this in the existing script database.

Thanks all :)
Its definately doable with events, just so you know. Using a mix of map coordinate variables for your bomb, player and explodable events in the surrounding area, along with a few wait commands and a common event.

Perhaps ask in general support, i think there is a request station now.

There is also a Zelda starterkit I think, but that would be for ABS I assume.

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