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BlueScope's Happiness Script

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I was in the process of posting this in this thread, but it got locked as I was typing, so I'm posting it here because I don't want this creativity to go to waste. So, without further ado, this is my response to BlueScope's Happiness Script:

Draycos Goldaryn":dfapjrvo said:

This. is. the. best. script. EVER!!!!1

I am definitely going to use this script in EVERY single project I start. I'm also going to make all future scripts I write and share to require it. It is THAT Awesome!

You should make more scripts like this!

Question: is it SDK compatible? Because I use the SDK, alot.

Any updates in the work? like a random message each time instead of just one that has to be manually changed every time? Because that would make it even more AWESOMER!!!!11

:wink: :haha: :rock: :D: :lol: :tongue:
sorry I accidently deleted this

the whole point of that thread was to be smug
so I am just going to lock this
listen if someone locks a thread the best thing to do is not respond~

but I did add your post into the original thread

and yes to what jbrist said as well.
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