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Blue Mage-like skill

I don't know if a script has been posted for this, I've searched but couldn't find what I'm looking for. I would like a script that let's you have skills that can 'absorb' an enemy's attack. It would need to be edited by the user as in which enemies skills are absbored, and what skill absorbs them, and then shows a message telling the player that they've obtained that skill. This might be confusing, so here's an example of what the editable part of the script would be:

enemy_skill = [1 => 3, 2 => 64]
blue_mage_skills = [10]
skill_text = ["You have obtained the Mass Heal skill", "You have obtained the Screw Thrust skill"]

This would mean that when you attack enemy #1 in the database with skill #10 in the database, the character who used skill #10 would obtain skill #3, and at that moment text would appear, saying "You have obtained the Mass Heal skill"

I would greatly appreciate anyone who can do this. On a sidenote, I am using Minkoff's Animated Battlerss, just incase that matters.
class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler
  Enemy_skill = {1=>3, 2=>64, '1'=>'Absorbed Mass Head',
  '2'=>'Absorbed Screw Thrust'}
  Blue_mage_skills = [10]
  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    if Blue_mage_skills.include?(skill.id)
      $scene.help_window.set_text(Enemy_skill[self.id.to_s], 1)
      return true
      return super(user, skill)

class Scene_Battle
  attr_accessor :help_window
I don't have time to write instructions as I'm going out now, hopefully you can manage.

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