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blitz skill request

the scipt

i would like it so that instead of assigning combinations to the skills...i would like it so that every time u use any skill a random combination of 4 input thingy come up...so...lets say i use fire and the input combination is Z-W-C-S
then i use it again...i want it so its random and become D-S-Q-C the next time and so on...also make sure u can still choose skills to not have inputs.

thank you
I just came across this... sorry for trying at helping out so late.
I know you want a script, but I might have a way to do this in events.

Make one skill, copy it X amount of times. Then make one more skill, set this to do nothing as far as damage goes. Have this call a random variable between 1 - x. Where X equals the amount of skils you copied.

Now do a little more conditional branching.
If number = 1 (first skill)
If number = 2 (copy of first skill)
If number = 3 (2nd copy)
Set each skill to have it's own 4 button input. It would appear, almost random if you did it enough. And infact you could make (if you copied enough) all possible button combinations - and then it would practically be fully random in a cheap way.

You may have to set this up to call the action, on last target for example. Or to force the action. I'm not sure if the button input would be brought up in these cases, as I haven't used this script in this manner, and I'm doing this in my head on memory. Play around a bit. Or use it in conjunction with a random ability script (there is one - liek a recall from FF4 I believe... search and you'll find it I'm sure).

If this is considered a necropost - c'mon! It's been like 10 days or so.

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