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Blank Cds

Ok what the hell..

My computer refuses to acknowledge that there are blank CD-Rs in my disk drive. So far it refuses them all except one kind of memorex. I never had a problem before, but I've gone out and gotten two kinds and neither read. I only had two blank memorex disks before (which both read), just went out and bought 30 memorex cd-rs, won't read...
Thing is, it reads any already burned cds and any commerical ones.

Also it did recognize the one kind of memorex ones I had from before.

If it is the drive itself, how much do drives cost? And how hard is the installation? Do I have to buy any specific types or anything?
Well, I got my CD burner for 20 bucks, and my DVD/CD Burner for 40ish.

Most likely, it's a driver issue. I've had that happen before, and I just put in the recovery disc and it worked again after a complete reset to OEM. I believe it to be an issue with Windows, sine the drive stopped functioning with Windows, and started working again when I installed Linux.
Well, I got my CD burner for 20 bucks, and my DVD/CD Burner for 40ish.

Were you required to get specific types? Like I just wanna know if I have to get a certain kind for it to be compatable with my computer.
oooh, you say CD-r isn't working? Your burner may not be compatible with that sort of blank disk. That's why I bought a new one.

Either stick with +r or get a better burner :D

Or maybe what I'm talking about only applies to DVDs, I dunno.
Vember, it may be an issue with speed. Discs are made for certain speeds.

I do believe this to be the problem. As the only difference with the memorex cds is the speeds.

If I were to get a new drive it would eliminate this problem right?
If you got a faster drive, probably. If your drive is very old, it's probably not up to date with more recent burnable mediums, hence the trouble you're having.

Best bet from the sound of things is to get a new drive. Be careful though; if you're computer's old too, it might not be compatible with newer drives. Do some research before just going out and buying something.

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