# This is a comment
# Each line has four fields.
# The first field specifies the character to
# draw. (If the character includes a space or is
# any one of: # , " then the character must be
# in quotation marks. To specify a quotation mark,
# put a backslash before it, like this: "\"" )
# It must be a single character, as multiple
# characters at once are not supported.
# The second field specifies the X coordinate of the
# beginning of the character in the bitmap font.
# The third field specifies the X coordinate of the
# character's starting point. This is normally set
# to field 2, but can be made
# slightly larger if the character hangs to the left
# of the previous character (e.g., cursive f, j),
# in order to tighten the spacing comfortably.
# The fourth field specifies the width of the character
# in the bitmap font.
# First character is A, located 0 pixels from the image
# and with a width of 18
# The next character is B, located 18 pixels from
# the beginning of the image and with a width of 17
# The fifth field, which is optional, specifies the X
# coordinate of where this character ends and the next
# character begins, relative to the beginning of the bitmap
# font image. If not specified, this field is equal
# to the sum of fields 1 and 3.
# Space glyph (notice the quotes)
" ",0,0,0,6