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Better Shadow System.



I found a shadow system but there are much mistakes so its not perfekt.

But first i count the good things :D
+ If u write in a not shown npc sprite event a comment "sun" then ur hero and every other event which has an comment "o" will get a shadow falling in the same direction.

If u enter into an event the comment "s" then it will be the Lightning point.
The Shadow of the Hero and every other events which has an comment "o" will through a shadow away apart from the event with the comment "s" in there.
This is very grea! Cause when u come nearer to the Lighting point ur Shadow get darker and if u move away it looses darkness and enough away u stop throughing a shadow. Only if somewhere in an event is the comment "sun" written... this would through the shadow endless xD..

Now what i wish:

1 This Script i found is not perfekt. The Lightning point makes only the Shadow darker or less dark and rotates the shadow which belongs to the position of the events or the hero.
Its not good to see always the hero just rotated and in black .. better would be an exact shadow which is mirrored.. when u stand in front of the lightning point.

2 Then i saw in this script variables which are changeable.. and found a very nice one... Z <<-----

My wish is that when i input into the commend z=1 or higher.. that the shadow of the hero is longer and if i am in front of it it get more brighter.. like
<--------> ;) okay.. and if the z becomes bigger and bigger then the shadow gets other formes.. like in real.

It must not be Z.. u can make it how its easier for you.. but i only wish that the shadow can get longer and smaller and not only the sprite rotated wrong and colored black...
which makes errors like the shadow is not exact under the shown object.. u understand me?

Please make us a better script :yes:
pleasepleaseplease :D U are the best and if u don´t make this who then?
^^.. aww xD the script i found in this link

Click me!!!
What you're asking for'd be pretty hard to do... and most likely, it wouldn't be able without additional shadow sprites for every imaginable position of every hero or object in the game... which'd get you a million graphics for the shadows alone...
If you look close to commercial/professional 2D games, none of them have variable shadows that fit... it's simply way too hard... you can do it fairly easy with a 3D engine, though, as you can have light sources and also have a z-depth in there. I don't think shadows could be essential for your game, but if they are, move to a 3D engine... ^_^ If not, just leave them out or be content with Rataimes shadow script or simply black circles below your characters... the do the job as well ^_^



Why should i need million graphiks?
This script works with the normal graphiks its just not perfekt.
People wrote 3Dscripts (map seeing like an earth a little bit rounder).
For the script request i made is the same script needed i think,
cause the graphic is beeing stretched. And not build with million graphiks
like u said. -,-!!!
I think the better scripter of u can manage my request.

so Bumb.
Why should i need million graphiks?
This script works with the normal graphiks its just not perfekt.
People wrote 3Dscripts (map seeing like an earth a little bit rounder).
For the script request i made is the same script needed i think,
cause the graphic is beeing stretched. And not build with million graphiks
like u said. -,-!!!
I think the better scripter of u can manage my request.

so Bumb.

Khan, PM SephirothSpawn...

Oh, and Bluescope was right, there isnt a specific shadow emulation made in RMXP YET where it mirrors every shape of a character in every direction in every degree of angle... Not millions though, maybe thousands for RMXP...

And Bluescope meant 3d engines like the ones for N64, Sierra games, etc.
Not 3d scripts like Mode7...
He meant 3d game makers use shadows not exactly the same as the specific outline of the character...

The only flaw i want to change in this script is that: when i make custom poses of a characterset, like RUNNING, or WAILING or FLIPPING over, the script uses the probable frame in a characterset and transforms it into shadow...
Like when you make a custom pose(jumping) on the 1st frame on top, the shadow still is a front view(walking)...

Or ask Rataime herself to spend some more time of her life on this script for you...
Actually it would be pretty hard... i was thinking anyways of 1 thing that could make a pretty good emulation of it... let's just think: if you are far from a lightning source your shadow should be short and thin.
When you are really near to it your shadow becomes much larger and longer.
So 1 thing that could perfect a lot that script would be to make a proportion between the distance from the lightning source and the lenght of the shadow, and another proportion between that distance and how the shadow is large (like... a kind of distorption. An angle thing. i can't imagin how hard it would be on scripting, maybe it's not so much...).
Anybody understood what i said?

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