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Best A4 Graphics tablet for under £80?

I'm looking into getting a decent sized, decent quality tablet , but I'm not sure what to go with, everyone I've asked recommends a wacom, but at the size I want, they are really expensive.

Preferably I need to be able to order online and have it delivered.



Your best bet is probably a Nisis. The site's down right now but there's a review of the A4 one here if you're interested.

Still, A4 is enormous. I used to use an A6 Xp-pen tablet, which was plenty big, and now work with an A5 Trust one, which is huge. Both I got from Argos (You said £, so you're in England right? You should have easy access to an argos) for £15 and £40 respectively (I don't think they sell the A6 one anymore though)



Yeah A5 is defenatly big enough for anyone. I think if your looking for a cheap one amazon, ebay or Argos are going to be your best bet. Avoid PC world unless you want to get conned out of good money.

I'm currently using an A5 Wacom Intuos 3 which is really good.... a little bit more than £80 though ;)


but really you get what you pay for with graphics tablets. A friend of mine bought one for under £70 and the pen broke within a week.




about $140-$160 I think?

I'm not to sure.

My graphics tablet was around £250-£300 though.
Don't feel bad Mew. I had to save up a for a year and not buy any video games to afford my 6x8 Intous3. (I think it was $289.77)

If you really want one, you'd best start picking up pennies. (I took my own advice.)

It's worth the money, it becomes your child. <3 (or if you already have some, then it's your favorite.)



I use my cheapo tablet and it's always worked well for me, though I'd probably but a wacom if I was any good at saving money. My old one only broke when my brother stomped on it, that was after 2 years of working flawlessly and it was the cheapest one I've seen.

Only problem is having to put batteries in the pen, but that's only like one a month.

From my experience, cheap doesn't necisarrily mean bad.
Wacom pens and mice are battery less and cordless. ;) I'd recommend Wacom, but that's just because I'm familiar with it annd I don't really have experience when it comes to the different retailer's tablets.

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