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Berka's Windows Creator

Berka's Windows Creator
Version: 1.2
By: Berka

First... I apologize for the language of my project. It's in French because this program is still in development.
I think this is my biggest project, in pure rgss. Why not C++ ? Because I like ruby, and the idea of 'an editor in the editor' enjoyed me
What this project does ? Simple, it's able to script for you, it can now generate windows. You draw components, you resize them, you have just to push a button, and a file is created. This is a plug and play script for your own project.

  • Window and components are generated
  • The project is auto updated from my web server.
  • Bug reports may be send to me with internet connexion
  • Rgss Projects can be saved/loaded as encrypted files
  • An option can aliase Scene_Map
  • Generated Scripts are plug&play
  • Lot of APIs ! and I like that ^^






Yes: This is the first version... but it will be updated as soon as you start the program:
Demo (exe file) private server


None... about 25 scripts...


I don't know how to explain. The best way for you is trying by your own
Please send me bug reports ! I help me a lot !

-Draw window, clic on "Ajout. Composants" to draw a component
-Clic on "Enlev. Composant" to remove the selected component
-Then clic on "Générer", to generate the script.




No problem i think :lol:

Credits and Thanks

Paul Lutus for the code indenter
A lot of french beta testers
NearFantastica for the mouse script
TLN & Corbaque (aka Lordryk) for the Input

Author's Notes

Newer version will be made soon.

Terms and Conditions

The whole code is free, but I NEED CREDITS FOR EACH PART USED ! Please ask me before posting that !

best regards,




Great script ant gratz 4 you man :P but i don't know french and i'm testing this like blind xD
Btw. when you click on this space under "Compostants" im getting message and choice : Oui and something else xD im clicking 2 times "Oui" and suddenly it quit then IE
With something like that
L'erreur a eu lieu ŕ 17/07/09
Vous utilisez la version 1.2 du projet.
Donc, c'est le script "Editeur" qui plante ŕ la ligne 0 dans la méthode ""
Avec ce méchant message d'erreur : "undefined method `[]\' for nil:NilClass" Mouais, il va pas mal m'aider dans la correction!
I remember other people creating scripts like this before, which were never finished. But, thank you for this awesome script because I'm sure it will be handy once I can understand everything. Will there be a translation in the future?



This can be quite useful, especially to those who aren't familiar with scripting, but still want some uniqueness of their own. Wonderful idea. I like it. :)
I'm working on a new version:

multi languages,
general settings,
code cleaning,
lot of bugs fixed,

I want to finish the vx version before scripting the rmxp one



ps: sorry for the donwload issues: my webhoster has hardware problemes...
Nice work, berka. I know how to script, and this'll still be helpful.

@mcseph: There's already Window/Scene generators for XP. Mr.Mo and Dubealex have made a couple.
New version (1.3)
you have only to run the project to auto-update it. :wink:

-rgss projects can be saved/loaded
-icons, faces, characters are drawable
-error reports are submitted online in the rgss player's window (see RM browser)
-code cleaned
-english language supported.

To change the default language you have to modify the script main.
A settings interface is under development

best regards,

New version (1.4)
Lot of bug are now fixed,

Brazilian/English languages are supported. Please read the Readme file.



Awesome Bro


I'm VERY sorry for bumping this by over a year, but I sort of fancy having a play around for this, I've got the urge to attempt working on my game(s)... again, but the download link to the demo is down, does anyone perhaps still have a copy they could upload for me?


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