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BDR Event Counter v1.0

BDR Event Couter Version: 1.0 for RMVX
By: Fustel

Well... did you ever notice those annoying cell door through wich you can speak to the prisonners behind, that you can open, and so on. In RPG Maker terms, they could be Event that sometimes act as Counter Tile (the one you can interact with Events placed behind), somotime don not.
I tried to imagine many solutions (creating an invisibl Counter Tile, calculating the second event position when activating the 'Counter' one, etc...), but to no avail. Or at least getting a confused thing...
So I had to to script the 'perfect' solution; ens then hers is another BRR script thing.

  • Allow to interact to an evet through another one
  • The Counter flag is set/unset for each page of the event



Just try ecerything you can.
Notice that if to try to speak to the prisoner through the door while holding the key, he won't answer (page 2 of the door doesn't have the BDR_EVENT_COUNTER comment)


# ** BDR Event Counter


#  © Fustel, 2010

#  02/11/10

#  Version 1.0



#   - 1.0 (02/11/10), Initial release



#   - Place this script in the 'Materials' section

#   - To make en event a counter when a set page is active,

#       insert a comment in that page, containing the following line:




#  - Only when the page with the tag is active will the event act as

#      a counter

#  - If the EventPage acts as a couter, its normal script is not run

#  - An EventPage acts as a couter if

#    - it contains the BDR_EVENT_COUTER comment

#    - both EventPages (the 'counter one and the one behind)

#        priority_tupe is set to 'same as character'

#    - both EventPages (the 'counter one and the one behind)

#        triggers is set to 'action button'



class Game_Event < Game_Character



  attr_reader :bdr_event_counter


  alias bdr_eventcounter_initialize initialize

  def initialize(map_id, event)

    @bdr_event_counter = false

    bdr_eventcounter_initialize(map_id, event)



  alias bdr_eventcounter_setup setup

  def setup(new_page)

    bdr_eventcounter_setup( new_page)

    @bdr_event_counter = false

    if @page != nil

      for command in @page.list

        next unless [ 108, 408].include?( command.code)

        s = command.parameters[ 0].upcase.delete " "

        @bdr_event_counter = true if s == BDR_EVENT_COUTER.upcase






class Game_Player < Game_Character

  alias bdr_eventcounter_check_event_trigger_there check_event_trigger_there

  def check_event_trigger_there(triggers)

    return false if $game_map.interpreter.running?

    result = false

    cnt = false


    front_x = $game_map.x_with_direction(@x, @direction)

    front_y = $game_map.y_with_direction(@y, @direction)

    front_front_x = $game_map.x_with_direction(front_x, @direction)

    front_front_y = $game_map.y_with_direction(front_y, @direction)


    for event in $game_map.events_xy(front_x, front_y)

      next if event == nil

      next unless event.priority_type == 1

      next unless event.trigger == 0

      next unless event.bdr_event_counter

      cnt = true



    if cnt

      for event in $game_map.events_xy(front_front_x, front_front_y)

        next if event == nil

        next unless event.priority_type == 1

        next unless event.trigger == 0

        result = true





    result = bdr_eventcounter_check_event_trigger_there(triggers) unless result


    return result



  • Copy the script in the 'Materials' section, below 'BDR Damage'
  • Insert a comment containg the following line in any page you want to act as a couter


No issue known

Credits and Thanks
All done by myself

Author's Notes
  • Only when the page with the tag is active will the event act as a counter
  • If the EventPage acts as a couter, its normal script is not run
  • An EventPage acts as a couter if
    • it contains the BDR_EVENT_COUTER comment
    • both EventPages (the 'counter one and the one behind) priority_tupe is set to 'same as character'
    • both EventPages (the 'counter one and the one behind) triggers is set to 'action button'

And... do I have to say that 'f...' stands for 'funny' ?

Terms and Conditions
You may not use this in a commercial game without my explicit permission.
You may not post this script anywhere without my explict permission.
You must give me credit.
I like the idea, but wouldn't it be easier to event this with an invisible event? This is not criticism. I'm simply interested in knowing what are the script's strong points.
Did you ever try putting 2 events in the same location with the ditor. And even mhen you manage do do it (via a move event or something like that), which one is to be triggered ? Just a couple of questions that jumped into my mind...

Now the script exists, you just have to put your event, insert a comment, and write 'BDR_EVENT_COUNTER'. If you are too lazy, you can even copy/paste it ^^



in the case of a shopkeeper stationary behind a counter, this is easy to do with an invisible event on the counter itself (as you've both said), but having a periodically moving NPC behind an obstruction is tougher, and a lot more bulky in terms of eventing. this sounds like a pretty handy little fix! nice job, man.
In RMVX's A2 tileset, the farthest right tiles(usually the counters/desks/tables) all have a counter effect applied to them naturally. This effect is done within the Tilemap class and Game_Map class...
  def counter?(x, y)

    return false unless valid?(x, y)

    return @passages[@map.data[x, y, 0]] & 0x80 == 0x80

...they are moved down 8 pixels, and anything event behind them will be activated if you 'talk' to the counter/table itself.

This makes that feature available to any event. Nice creation. I'll be using this.
Errr... I never tried scripting for RMXP. So I am not sur, but... just try the script as it is. It may work...or not. Just tell me.
About this XP request, I'm sorry, but as the Event class has neither a setup method nor a priority_type attribute, I don't think the script will work here. And I don't even know if the Map class has an event_xy method. But if this one exisit, then try removing the test on priority_type and renma setup ans its alis whith the proper method (perhpas initialize). The script, once imagined is very simple.

Good luck
FenixFyreX":2230tmt2 said:
In RMVX's A2 tileset, the farthest right tiles(usually the counters/desks/tables) all have a counter effect applied to them naturally. This effect is done within the Tilemap class and Game_Map class...
I'm pretty sure I've tried this... you definately beat me on that if it really works, I'll try it out when I get home O_o

@Twin: RMXP has a native support for this feature in the tileset editor, database. But yeah, I guess you need it for events ^^ Just saying.

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