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Battle Transition Request

This has probably been requested before, it's probably quite easy to do too but I can't find out how to do it, or anyone who has made it even with the search.

It's basically so that when you go into a battle instead of the transition leading you straight to the battle, it leads you to a black screen then the black screen fades into the battle. I'm not sure how you would do this myself. All I can suggest is that it involves a Black Screen Picture. That's all I've got.

Can Anyone make this script, it shouldn't be too difficult for anyone with moderate scripting skills.
Well, I don't have the spirit to do it myself ATM, but here you go with a script that does the same thing for maps... it should be easy to convert it for battles... and make sure you credit Trebor777 :D

# Black Transition Module
# Script by Trebor777

class Interpreter
  $fade_wait = 10   # Transition Duration
  $fwait = 10   # Black Screen Duration
  alias fade_warp_execute_command execute_command
  def execute_command
    if @index >= @list.size - 1
      @a_fait = nil
      return true
    parameters = @list[@index].parameters
    id = $game_map.map_id
    backup_tone = $game_screen.tone
    if @list[@index].code == 201 and @a_fait == nil
      if (parameters[0]==0 and parameters[1]!=id) or (parameters[0]!=0 and $game_variables[parameters[1]]!=id)
        black_tone = RPG::EventCommand.new(223,0,[Tone.new(-255,-255,-255,0),$fade_wait])
        wait = RPG::EventCommand.new(106,0,[$fwait])
        no_tone = RPG::EventCommand.new(223,0,[Tone.new(backup_tone.red.to_i,backup_tone.green.to_i,backup_tone.blue.to_i,backup_tone.gray.to_i),$fade_wait])
        if $fade_wait > 0
          @list.insert(@list.size - 1,no_tone)
        @a_fait = true

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