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Battle Transition Edit

Could someone make a script that plays a few pictures, fades black, and then fades to battle whenever you fight?
Kind of like Earthbound does, if anyone has played it.
You dont need to script. you can use events

ok, say your event went like this:

@>Text: Arshes - Prepare to die!
@>Battle Procesing: Arshes

now, working from that, this is an example of what you should do:
@>Text: Arshes - Prepare to die!
@>Change Screen Color Tone: (-255,-255,-255,0), @20
@>Wait: 20 frame(s)
@>Show Picture: 1, 'picture', Center (123,456), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
@>Wait: 20 frame(s)
@>Battle Procesing: Arshes
@>Change Screen Color Tone: (0,0,0,0), @10
@>Text: Arshes - Oh shit I lost
@>Text: Yay I killed Arshes

Enjoy :P

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