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Battle System Request

I need a battle system similar to Minkoff's but here are the differences.

At first you select the commands. Here they are:
Strike-This is the Attack. Uses sword icon.
Defend-This is to defend. Uses staff icon.
Arnana-This is black magic and uses black star icon.
Celestia- This is white magic. Uses white star icon.
Specialty- This contains specialties. Uses gold star icon.
Item- This allows items. Uses a chest icon.
Move- Allows the character to move to random squares on the lower part of the battlefield to evade attacks. Use boot icons.
(There is no escape from battles)

When the command for all the characters are selected, a bar appears with character icons for them and the enemies. As it hits 3/4, they can strike, but special skills and magic will take a long time to use. However, when the character moves, they'll stay in their position as well as enemies.

Make all Minkoff/RTAB scripts compatable.

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