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Only the most advanced scripters can probably do this. XD
Anyway I need a battle system that is compatible with netplay+
that has technqies set up like this by using tags in the attack decription and make the tags hide themselves.

for example.

[circle]: This will make it hit around you

[x5]: Makes it capable of hitting 5(variable) on the x axis.

[y5]: Makes it capable of hitting 5(variable) on the y axis.

[cross]: When apllied ot the above the rnage will not spread out but instead go in a plus sign.

[s5]: Set speed of execution such as 5 for instant(variable)

[r5]: Set the range of the attack in this case 5 squares away.

I wonder if anyone can pull this off. ;)
So i prbably wont get it and
@ jbrist: The netplay+ default system is basicly a weaker Near fantastica ABS but is more flexible in the animations. However it only has two ranges. Automatic target from anywhere on the map and one spot in front of you.
I'm only a medium level scripter so i'm not good enough at this.
Basicly i want a mod so the above listed ranges are possible.

I unfortunantly cant remember the netplay site so i cant give you something to work with.

(Yes we have a server up and running and the game works fine... so don't give me that little speech okay?)

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