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Battle script

Not to be offending, but this may look better:

    #-----------------Begin Defense Script Insertion-------------------------
     #by Khatharr (Creation Asylum)
     #This script is intended to be inserted in "Scene_Battle 4", replacing the line that reads:
     #"@help_window.set_text($data_system.words.guard, 1)"
     #If you cannot find this line, it may have been changed to:
     #"@help_window.set_text("Defend", 1)"
     #In the first four lines of code there are question marks that must be replaced by values.
     #"a" is the _Percentage of Max HP_ to restore when defending.  In other words, if your character
     #has 34/200 HP and defends, if this number is 50, then they will gain 100 HP, because 100 is 50%
     #of 200.
     #"b" is the _HP Variance Percentage_.  This randomizes the HP recovered by the
     #percentage entered.  In other words, if the Max HP is 100 and "a" is 50, then a "b" of 10 would
     #mean that anywhere from 45 to 55 HP would be restored.  That is 10% variance on 50% of 100.
     #If you don't understand that, then just set it to 15.
     #"c" is _Percentage of Max SP_ to restore, and works the same as "a".
     #"d" is _SP Variance Percentage_, and works the same as "b".  Again, if you don't understand
     #variance, just set it to 15.
     #When entering values, use integers (whole numbers) only and do not put the "%" sign.  In other
     # words, if you want your character to regain 10% of his Max HP when he defends, change
     #"a = ?" to "a = 10".  0 is and acceptable value for "b" and "d".  I have not experimented with
     #values over 100 or under 0, but that would be silly anyways, wouldn't it?  :o
     #If you need help with this, message me in the forum and I'll make fun of you....
     #Okay, okay, I'll help you out!
     #Don't look at me like that!
     #Oh, and in case YOU DIDN'T KNOW, this idea came from DragoonDart and was coded by Khatharr, both
     #from DubeAlex's "Creation Asylum" forums.  Recognoiiiiize!  -*splutter*-
     a = ?        #Percentage of Max HP to restore.
     b = ?        #Variance in HP restoration.
     c = ?        #Percentage of Max SP to restore.
     d = ?        #Variance in SP restoration.
     e = @active_battler.maxhp * a / 100        #Converting to percentage.
     f = @active_battler.maxsp * c / 100
     if b > 0        #Randomizing HP.
       e += rand((e * b / 100) + 1) + rand((e * b / 100) + 1) - (e * b / 100)
     if d > 0        #Randomizing SP.
       f += rand((f * d / 100) + 1) + rand((f * d / 100) + 1) - (f * d / 100)
     #This chunk determines whether HP or SP is being restored and does so.
     #It also generates a help window message explaining what was restored, if anything.
     #I added the battler's name to the defense message.  Ya' like that?;)
     if @active_battler.hp == @active_battler.maxhp and @active_battler.sp == @active_battler.maxsp
       @help_window.set_text("#{@active_battler.name} is defending...", 1)
     elsif @active_battler.sp == @active_battler.maxsp
       @help_window.set_text("#{@active_battler.name} is defending. #{e.to_s}HP regained!", 1)
       @active_battler.damage = (e * -1)
       @active_battler.damage_pop = true
       @active_battler.hp += e
     elsif @active_battler.hp == @active_battler.maxhp
       @help_window.set_text("#{@active_battler.name} is defending. #{f.to_s}SP regained!", 1)
       @active_battler.sp += f
       @help_window.set_text("#{@active_battler.name} is defending. #{e.to_s}HP and #{f.to_s}SP regained!", 1)
       @active_battler.damage = (e * -1)
       @active_battler.damage_pop = true
       @active_battler.hp += e
       @active_battler.sp += f
     #-------------------End Defense Script Insertion-------------------------

Credits are within the script.

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