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Battle Music

Hi. I'm sure you noticed that in many RPG's boss battle music sometimes continues from background music in the scene before the battle. Now i know there are many small script edits that do this but what i'm after is a script that only does this when it's called. I would think this would be fairly simple but seeing as i know NOTHING about RGSS i don't know how much effort it would take but i would greatly appreciate it if someone was to accept this request.
One that you can turn on or off? Found your query in Creative Asylum and posted a link for you there. In case you get here first...

I grabbed this from http://www.phylomortis.com

Map BGM in Battle

This script makes it so that you have the option to seamlessly continue playing the map BGM when you enter a battle. To use this script, find the methods indicated and delete the text between the two statements surrounding the red text, and then add the statements in red text in their place. Once this script is installed, you will need to use the "Script" command to call the statement "$game_system.map_bgm_in_battle = true" to make the seamless BGM transfer happen, and "$game_system.map_bgm_in_battle = false" to go back to using the normal battle BGM.

Script by ??? [Posted on the RPG Maker XP RGSS Wiki]

[color=#339999]class Game_System
# ----------------------------------------
attr_accessor :map_bgm_in_battle
@map_bgm_in_battle = false[/color]

[color=#339999]class Scene_Map
  def call_battle
[/color][color=#CC0000]    if $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle == false
      $game_temp.map_bgm = $game_system.playing_bgm
    if $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle == false
[/color][color=#339999]    $game_player.straighten

[color=#339999]class Scene_Battle
   def judge
      if $game_temp.battle_can_lose[/color][color=#CC0000]
        if $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle == false
[/color][color=#339999]        battle_end(2)
# ----------------------------
   def update
    if $game_temp.battle_abort[/color][color=#CC0000]
      if $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle == false
[/color][color=#339999]      battle_end(1)
# ----------------------------
   def update_phase2_escape
   if success
      if $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle == false
[/color][color=#339999]      battle_end(1)
# ----------------------------
   def start_phase5
    @phase = 5[/color][color=#CC0000]
    if $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle == false
[/color][color=#339999]    exp = 0
    gold = 0
    treasures = []

NOTE: While the basics of this script works... there IS a... FLUKY BUG with RMXP. Explanation and solution below.

The coding is fine, just like you said. BUT apparently RGSS itself doesn't like 'false' values passed to the scripts like this. It has nothing to do with syntax or logical errors. Just that it doesn't like you to pass 'false' values through an [event] code's script command. You can pass a true value, like...

script: $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle = true

... but ...

script: $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle = false

...will freeze it just because it sends a 'false' value.

http://www.dubealex.com/asylum/style_em ... nting2.gif[/IMG] STUUPID STUUPID STUUPID! http://www.dubealex.com/asylum/style_em ... nting2.gif[/IMG]

Now... if you change the value being accepted by $game_system.map_bgm_in_battle to '0' and '1' instead of 'true' and 'false' through the script... then you won't have that problem. http://www.dubealex.com/asylum/style_em ... n_wink.gif[/IMG]
That's the bummer... you gotta edit the DEFAULT scripts.

And if you have inserted custom scripts that edit Scene Map and Scene Battle... they may get overwritten... unless you edit the custom scripts just in case.
Try this one:

# ** SG Optional Battle Music
# sandgolem
# Version 1
# 24.06.06

# Switch number to activate the Even Music
#Also note, in Event enabling this switch, change battle win ME to null
Scene_Map::SG_Disable_BattleMusic = 5

# To check for updates or find more scripts, visit:
# http://www.gamebaker.com/rmxp/scripts/
# To use this script, copy it and insert it in a new section above "Main",
# under the default scripts, and the SDK if you're using it.
# Have problems? Official topic:
# http://forums.gamebaker.com/showthread.php?t=13

SDK.log('SG Optional Battle Music', 'sandgolem', 1, '24.06.06')
if SDK.state('SG Optional Battle Music') != true
@sg_nobattlebgm_disabled = true

if !@sg_nobattlebgm_disabled

class Game_System
alias sandgolem_nobattlebgm_system_bgm bgm_play
def bgm_play(bgm)
if !$sg_keep_music

alias sandgolem_nobattlebgm_system_bgmstop bgm_stop
def bgm_stop
if !$sg_keep_music

class Scene_Map
alias sandgolem_nobattlebgm_map_callbattle call_battle
def call_battle
if $game_switches[SG_Disable_BattleMusic]
$sg_keep_music = true
$sg_keep_music = nil


The effect will only occur when you turn the switch specified here:

Scene_Map::SG_Disable_BattleMusic = 5

On, in this case, Switch 5. Be sure to set your Victory ME to nothing in the event you turn on the switch for the continuous music as well. Just paste this above Main and you wont need to change default scripts.
That one IS easier to use, but it is an SDK script. Which means that you need the Standard Development Kit script itself (stickied in the RGSS Submitted Scripts forum), and you'll have to use mostly SDK scripts in your project.
Oddly, I don't have the SDK in my project, but it work's fine with Cohwheel's RTAB+ Addons and LeGacy's CMS along with several other assorted scripts, including my broken anime cut in script, which I am still working on ^^;
Well, whichever one you like the best I'd use, but DerVVulfman trumps me in experience so his system is probably better. I just hate editing my default scripts personally, but be sure to leave commented notes on what you changed in case you need to go back to it later.
DerVVulfman;133527 said:
That one IS easier to use, but it is an SDK script. Which means that you need the Standard Development Kit script itself (stickied in the RGSS Submitted Scripts forum), and you'll have to use mostly SDK scripts in your project.
Nope. :)

Almost none of sandgolem's scripts require it, they just support it's logging and quick disabling of scripts. The begin/rescue thing calls the SDK commands and allows RMXP to continue instead of crashing if the SDK isn't being used.

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