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Battle Formula Script

yes, i know it is in Battler 3, but i always end up typing some syntax incorrectly!!!

could someone make a script line for SKILL EFFECT which, however need be done, makes

Damage = ((2 * L / 5 + 2) * A * P / D / 50 + 2) * R / 100

L = users Level
A = Attack or Intelligence
P = Skill.Power
D = Defense or Resistance
R = rand(85-100?) would that be (rand(15) + 85)?
Just to clarify...

1) Under Attack or Intelligence, or Defense or Resistance, what should be the thing that chooses?

2) Is this for all skills? In other words, am I just replacing that, or will this be an add-on?

I'm gonna guess this is for the player's side only, since monsters don't usually have a level.
1) i suppose...
User.atk should be multiplied by skill.atk_f (ATTACK POWER in skill editor_),
User.int. should be * (MAGIC in skill editor-sorry, i once asked for the code for this value, but to no reply)
Self.pdef * skill.pdef_f
Self.mdef * skill.mdef_f

2) oh, man, your right! it shold be for ALL skills, but enemies DONT have levels...damn...trying to think of a way to work around this...can you make it so that if a player uses it, it is 2* Level, but if an enemy uses it, it is
2 * (how much exp. they award / 10)?

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