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Battle City




no need for explanations, I think... ;) http://www.calamity.cba.pl/files/rmxp/bc1.jpg[/IMG]

at the moment there are five maps in the game, but you can easily make your own. just look to the event pointed in the screenshot - it's responsible for transferring the player to another map or to the final screen. you can draw your map using tiles, autotile for water, and brick events for walls. remember not to delete any important events: players, enemies, bullets, controllers, bonuses (the last three are on the grey border). also you must leave the base - eagle, and the wall sourrounding it (it's a bit different than ordinary wall).
the controls are:
player 1: directional buttons, space (shot)
player 2: WSAD, Esc

the most noticable bug is that the enemy projectiles freeze sometimes. shoot it to unfreeze it ;)

well, have fun :)

p.s. could a mod move this topic to "full projects", please? ;)
It's Battle City, folks! Remember the arcade times when it was called Tank Force *lol*

Okay, as much as I like the idea and gameplay of this game, the lagging seriously bothers me. I have a bad machine (which pisses me off ATM ^_^ ), but maybe you could include an Anti-Event lag script and set the neccessary events in the middle of each map ...
Well, it might be a bit unfair that I played through the original game a few hours ago, but this is very hard to master without pixel movement ... you might consider upgrading the game with that script, too ...

Ah, and also a big shakehands for releasing a project that's made entirely event-based (besides the auto-font install, which isn't a part of the game really). :D



the anti event lag script wouldn't do much, a it affects events outside the screen. i'm sure the game lagged the most on the maps with many brich walls. destroying them helps a lot ;)
as for the pixelmovement I think it's not really necessary here. it would be a lot harder t hit an oponent, and new lags would occur.

anyway, thanks for playing and for the feedback ;)
arevulopapo said:
the anti event lag script wouldn't do much, a it affects events outside the screen.
Not quite. It causes events beyond a certain range to not-update. If you could set this range to work so that events in the middle of the map get updated if the tank is at a very corner of the map, and then place the border events in the middle, there'd be no problem, I think ...



well... I guess I'd rather redo this game in Game Maker :D
it's way better when it comes to collisions. but it's very probable someone else is goin to do it soon :)
Yeah, I guess GM is better for this kind of game, but you'd need to script a level editor for your game then to keep up with RMXP's functionality ;)
Neo, Arevulopapo will DESTROY you.

Anyway, this game is excellent! Arevulopapo, will you make more "remakes"? These things make me so happy...;)
And one, small, stupid thing: I think that 3D maps you can do would be G-R-E-A-T :P
Very nice, but using esc is a bit of an inconvenience with player 2 if they want to play with 1 hand...Maybe like Q or E?
It doesn't matter really, since you can change it yourself...:P
Fun game though!



glad you like it :)
maybe I'll fortify the base in the first levels once I'll get back to it. unfortunatelly rmxp doesn't seem to see the maps in the data folder. could you maybe send me a demo?
My God this bring me back so much memories!! I was thinking about making one too but never get to work on it. Very nice job :)

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