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Battle add-on request - Skill disable



Okay, hopefully this won't be too hard to script.
I'm trying to work out how to disable a certain skill when a status is in effect, but I have no idea, so here is request:

In my game, when a battler uses a summon skill, he becomes auto-afflicted with a state which lasts for 2 turns and reduces his stats a little.
The thing is, when a battler has this certain status, he cannot cast skills that are flagged as summons. Therefore, he can only summon every few turns, and whenever he summons, he will experience a drop in stats (temporary) and cannot use any other summons. However, he can still use skills, attack, defend etc.

I need a script which disables all skills flagged with a particular element when a particular state is in effect.

Here's a mock script format:

Element [12] = Summons
State [4] = Weak
if actor is in state [4]
disable all element [12] skills
enable all element [12] skills

I have already found an auto-afflict skill script (inflicts a state when u use a particular skill) Thanks Claimh

# User State Grant Skill Ver. 1.0.1       by Claimh
#   The state is granted to the person who uses skill

module User_SetState
  SET_STATE = []
# ÂÂ
Well, I do have this : http://www.rmxpu.net/staff/sephirothspawn/Script Files/EIS Requirements.txt

You can use that, as it is far more advanced. But I threw this together real quick.

class Game_Actor
  Disable_Skills_With_Element = 12
  Disable_Skills_When_State = 4
  alias seph_disableskills_scu? skill_can_use?
  def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
    if self.states.include?(Disable_Skills_When_State)
      if $data_skills[skill_id].element_set.include?(Disable_Skills_With_Element)
        return false
    return seph_disableskills_scu?(skill_id)

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