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bait car is awesome



so i stumbled upon this show from hearing about it from a friend

so yeah there are like, a million diff vids on this. its about the cops leaving a car unlocked or with the keys nearby as bait for people who try to steal it, and when they do that it locks up or the engine dies, etc. pretty hilarious


so yeah, anyone else seen this show?



This show is awesome in a "I'm slightly ashamed of watching this." type of way. People come up with some amazingly hilarious excuses for why they JUST STOLE A DAMN CAR too.

I have to admit I've passed up better shows just to watch this and Speeders when they're on.



hahah me too. I was gonna watch something on AS but this came on and I just had to get my daily dose of lol

I dont understand why people try to talk their way out of it "HEH I DIDNT MEAN TO OFFICER" when you TOTALLY FUCKING DID.
Never heard of it; I didn't even know they did that. I remember watching a show where they baited sex offenders into a bogus meeting with high school girls.
Ironic that they stole the concept for the show off British channel Five

:box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :smoke:



You'll probably see that they can get sentence reduction by agreeing to letting it show on public television.
That said, there are countries where setting honeypots up to capture criminals is not allowed.

I had some good laughs
Thanks for sharing moog :D
there;s nothing wrong about setting up traps for criminals. nothing wrong about showing it on TV either. the criminals are still dumbass criminals no matter what the circ's and should be treated as such



moral of the story:
-ppl are dumm
-most of the ppl who steal cars are mexican or black
-im really f*ckin cool
-this show makes me almost pee myself from laughter
$t3v0":i3644ak5 said:
Surely they can't keep these guys under arrest? It's blaitant entrapment ...... on public television!

What! No it isn't. Entrapment can only occur with actual interference from an undercover officer. I'll give you a for instance. An undercover officer goes out with two suspects for a drink, they get sloshed and then he offers them a joint while they are totally inebriated and then slaps the cuffs on them when they take a puff. The suspects can easily argue under the subjective and objective test of entrapment, that under normal circumstances the suspects lacked the predisposition to commit the crime. In the case of a bait car the suspects are merely confronted with a possible opportunity for a crime without the pressure of law enforcement acting as peer. To cover its own ass undercover law enforcement has to establish through investigation that its targeted suspects have predisposition for the type of criminal activity the suspects are involved in before coordinating a sting or they walk the dicey ground of entrapment.

Getting back to bait car, if the person had no predisposition to steal a car they would do as all of the other thousand citizens did, walk on by. How is a car with a camera and a kill switch any different than a bank with a silent alarm?

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