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Azrith001's Mouse/Cursor Map System

Azrith001's Mouse/Cursor Map System
By: azrith001

Check out more scripts at my blog:


This is a pretty simple system, it allows you to set up maps through the script editor to be viewed and traveled to in game.


  • Easy to use Mouse System
  • Animated Cursor
  • Description window
  • Options for Customization







In the Script its pretty easy and straight forward, but If you have any questions feel free to leave them here or my blog.


No questions yet.


RPG Maker XP, as far as I know it works with all other RMXP Scripts but hey you never know I dont have all of them to test it :P
if you find a complication please post it on my blog.

Credits and Thanks:

azrith001, idea for the script came from here: http://www.arpgmaker.com/viewtopic.php?p=688876#p688876

Author's Notes:

All notes are in the script but please any feedback leave me on my blog at:

Terms and Conditions:

Use it how you like, just give credits, any edits as far as look goes please post it here or on my blog :) i'd love to see them, ill post them if I like them enough! :D
I like it! It's a very aesthetically pleasing system. My only gripe is that in most games, the keyboard is the dominant input, and suddenly switching to the mouse can be annoying. Any chance you could add a feature that lets you control the cursor with the arrow keys?

Out of curiosity, (where) did you find or make the world map?
Lol to be honest I have no clue where I got the map, I found it among resources in one of my hard drives and was like "hey that looks cool", sooo Funny thing, I made this system for the keyboard initially sooo I guess I'll post the keyboard version as well? Up to you. :P

and thanks for the comment ^^ Your license board is still a lot better looking.
Even if no one uses it, don't see it as a waste of time. It's a programming exercise. It not only makes you a better coder but it also teaches you problem-solving skills.

In my experience, it's pretty hard to find if someone is using your script. Usually, the only way you find out is if the person using the script needs help. Also, RMXP is pretty much dying (I don't know about the new RMVX Ace, though). Don't be upset if this road leads nowhere. I, too, jumped on the RMXP bandwagon too late and I know how it feels.

Seriously, though, making systems for video games is a great way to learn about object-oriented languages. A fun way, too.

Hey, if you'd like to, I can give you a demo of my abandoned project, Medina Stories. Man, I loved MS more than anyone could imagine. I worked endless hours on it. Creating the FFXII License Board. Creating the FFXIII Menu System (incomplete). Creating a custom movement system. Custom map system (using foregrounds and backgrounds). Making it compatible with other systems, such as Atoa's CBS. Adding lighting. Adding particle effects. Adding working shadows and caterpillar. Since the movement system involves 8-directional movement, adding shadows and caterpillar movement was not an easy task. I'd be more than happy to send you a copy.

I've seen your other projects, and you strike me as a pretty good coder. I'm a pretty good coder myself (even though I study Medicine). We should definitely team up.

If you're interested, send me a post message (PM).

Sorry for the long post.
Hey pandorashock.. any luck on the arrows key version of this yet?
and hows ur game - "the painted rose" coming alone? im very much
looking forward to playing it, ur menu system ect.. looks awesome.
OMG :O *dribble* i just cant wait to play it >.< thanks for the keys version too ^^ will credit
you ^^

I got a question - ur map picture is 640x480 .. will this support bigger map pictures? or it HAS to
be 640x480?

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