Portal: http://www.sleepystudios.com/
Forum: http://www.sleepystudios.com/smf
Dungeons: Not only do we have dungeons, we also have a wide variety of indoor (and outdoor) dungeons, each playing their specific part in the main plot.
Competant Bosses/NPCs: To compliment the dungeons even more our bosses aren't just the typical melee damage dealers, instead each boss has its own unique combat system, abilities, etc. Non-dungeon NPCs and mobs will not be dull either, each mob and NPC also have its own unique spells.
Guild System: Self explanatory.
Advanced Conversation System: Self explanatory, really. 9 times out of 10 friendly NPCs have their own conversations, with up to 4 options, each with a possible event such as "Open Bank", "Open Shop", "Give Item" and various quest events.
The Library: Another addition to the lore focus of the game, the Library is basically an in-game and web-based knowledge base with all sorts of lore and background information on monsters, NPCs, gear, and dungeons.
Instancing: To compliment our dungeons we have an instancing system. Instancing basically means each party will get its own "version" of the instance.
Custom Graphics: Self explantory.
Races: Another fairly self explantory feature. Players can choose their race from a list of 4 races including Humans, Orcs, Undead, and Golems.
Drop'an'Craft: Unlike in most games where you're simply given armour, Avian will be using a new system where monsters only drop materials to make their armour. Bosses will have the same system, the only main difference is bosses will drop both (the reasoning behind that is simply because it would first defeat the point of a boss, and secondly we feel that it would be a much more exciting raiding experience if you had to craft the gear in order to progress even further inside a dungeon).
Paperdolls: Visual equipment! Not much else to say.
Avian will not have a set storyline right from the beginning. This is because I want the plot to slowly develop and not be particularly limited by what I wrote months ago.
However, to give a very brief and extremely dilute explanation of the "plot", the story will follow the events and deeds of the "Storyteller", a supernatural being who dictates set events in times, causes said events and makes the world behave the way it does.
Download: Not available.
The following screenshots are from the upcoming beta. A lot of the graphics shown are subject to change:
Tileset Previews: