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Is there a script that can determine the level of all Party Members? In my game, it is played through several different view points. You start off with one character, then a different one later on. The first character is no longer present. I'd like to make it so that when the game switches to a different view point, the next character is at the same level of experience. And then, to make matters even more difficult, when the first character joins the second, or a new character joins in, they are all at the same level or close to.
Thanks, but for some reason, I can't get it to work. I tried placing it in Game_Party, and I tried placing it underneath every other script. Then I tried using '$game_party.average_level' as a call script when you press enter on an object.



Add this:-

class Game_Party
  def average_level
	n = 0
	@actors.each {|a| n += a.level}
	n /= @actors.size
	return n

Just under this part in game party

# ** Game_Party
#  This class handles the party. It includes information on amount of gold 
#  and items. Refer to "$game_party" for the instance of this class.

class Game_Party
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :actors                   # actors
  attr_reader   :gold                     # amount of gold
  attr_reader   :steps                    # number of steps
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Create actor array
    @actors = []
    # Initialize amount of gold and steps
    @gold = 0
    @steps = 0
    # Create amount in possession hash for items, weapons, and armor
    @items = {}
    @weapons = {}
    @armors = {}

And hopefully it shall work!
Okay, well, still doesn't work. I think I might know why, though. I'm using a Change Party script that was originally posted on Phlomortis(I think that's the spelling). The RGSS Section thing, anyway. Someone had modified it as a Party Changer, Leader Select, and so forth. I just have to figure out where to place the new code.



if you put in inside Game_Party, be sure to remove "class Game_Party" and the last end from sephirothspawn's script.

Also, another way of doing it is as follows:

total_lvl = 0
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
total_lvl += $game_party.actors.level
average_lvl = total_lvl / $game_party.actors.size

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