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Autosave with Description and More!

Autosave Version: 1
By: Plague180


Allows you to autosave WITHOUT bringing up the save menu, its 100% transparent.

-Autosave to any slot
-descriptions for each save
-custom save extension
-different window skins for each file(optional)
-ability to lock slot 1 for autosave
-and its easy to use!





*Apparently im a ass, so ya its gone, email me if you want this script*



Everything you could ever need to know is in demo, if it isnt let me know. :D


Will add as i get Questions :)


Big no to SDK, like all my scripts. Most likely this will not work with anything that changes save data, however if you post the script im more then willing to make a fix so my script will be compatible with it.

Credits and Thanks

To all the people who have helped me learn: *points to heros list in sig*

Author's Notes

This is bolded because i feel its really important, i recommend you lock slot 1 if you use the autosave feature as it prevents the player from saving over the slot.
if there is any feature i missed let me know, ill gladly add it if i can.

Terms and Conditions

free for commercial and non-commercial use. do not post this script on any site outside of hbgames.org without my permission.
not a whole lots of people seem interested, what can i add to make it more interesting/ more likly to be used? cause i really enjoyed working on this script



Oh I was interested. I just doubt a whole lot of people are gamemaking in this community anymore. Plus it would only seem necessary for a sandbox type game I would think.
Star":3jxnn6ma said:
Oh I was interested. I just doubt a whole lot of people are game making in this community anymore. Plus it would only seem necessary for a sandbox type game I would think.

very true :( at least i had fun making it even if no one uses it
103 views on this thread means about 80% interested people visitor rate, from which about 5 to 20% try it out (if you post a demo), from which a few keep using it. These boards are way less crowded than they used to be, therefore such percentage-based numbers fall rapidly. For less "fancy" and more useable scripts like yours (and even more with the array of scripting tools I got), chances are quite slim people will actually try it. For scripting tools, if anyone uses them, it'll be a scripter, who - if they release it - will be facing the above percentage applied as well. So, that means just because noone replied to you, doesn't mean noone likes or wants to use it - any of the 80% might actually be putting it in their project right now ;)

I didn't look at the code, as I'm at work right now... I'm gonna post some feedback when I get the chance later, if you want ^^
You can't track how many times the script's been copypasted... personally, I rarely download any demos at all, unless I can tell they'd be a bitch to setup. Otherwise, I put them in manually - not only because that's my personal preference, but also because it gives me a good view on how easy it might be for others to implement, which allows me to comment on that as well ^^
new version some time this week, i got bored and ive added all the NON useless features from gerrtunk's script, just a little testing and reformat my window_savefile and i will be good. no offense to gerrtunk, i just think his script takes too long to configure mine takes copy paste and change maybe one thing. that and i really hate how he formats code, to be fair, lots of people hate my code :D cant wait for blues review of new and improved version.
Plague180":atabqcmb said:
new version some time this week, i got bored and ive added all the NON useless features from gerrtunk's script, just a little testing and reformat my window_savefile and i will be good. no offense to gerrtunk, i just think his script takes too long to configure mine takes copy paste and change maybe one thing. that and i really hate how he formats code, to be fair, lots of people hate my code :D cant wait for blues review of new and improved version.

xDDDD. Not a problem. I know that muy script is very huge and complex, but that was the idea. I like to configure a lot of things, but then the script or system can be that easy.

About adding features, i think i will steal your windowsking configuration :wink:
thats great though, then both our scripts are good for certain people, mine for those that just want a custom script or easy autosave and yours for those that want to customize everything :D we both win. id love for you to use one of my ideas since im borrowing some of yours lol :D glad you understood i wasn't trying to bad mouth you.

p.s. i did add one feature neither of our scripts has, i think you will like it
my new version of my script is alot like that(ive fixed and added aton, im just playtesting it now) let me know what you think when i release it. as for the autosave you can so that easily with my script just call Autosave.save(slot,description) or if you want to use a custom windowskin Autosave.save(slot,description,windowskin) you should also note that if you have your autosave slot locked no matter what you put in slot it will go to autosave slot.

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