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Audial Depth

This a is a very simple to explain script that I'm requesting, in the vain hope I'll get at least one reply.

Anyway, you're walking down an empty corridor and you can hear a faint second set of footsteps. Great for atmosphere right? What I am asking for is a script where you can assign the sound effect to a location or event and it moves with that event/ remains in it's place. This way that same corridor could have those footsteps slowing getting louder and louder until.....

Thanks a lot in advance scripters.
I started a sound interaction system a while back but never finished it. Think you can help me think of a list of occurances where you would here sound?

I have object objects that constantly play a bgs and the volume changes by distance (you tell it max volume at distance = 1 and min volume and farthest distance).

I have stepping objects that me a SE when you step, and you can control the volume levels like in the first one or just simply play se with a set volume no matter the distance.

Any other ideas?

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