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Attacking battle animation based on actor.



I have been trying to write a script where each character has one normal attack animation because I have voices for each character. I have been failing every time I try to make it. If you can help me wtih this script I would appreciate it.

I'm a bit confused on what you mean. Do you need unarmed animations? Is the problem that they share weapons? Be a bit more specific. Detail what you want, and detail what is actually happening and why that's wrong. Help us and we'll help you^_^



Yeah, I noticed that I didnt explain it that well. I want to make it so that each character has their own battle animation even when they have the same weapon equipped. The problem is that they share weapons, and I want it to play their voice even when they have the same weapon equipped. Sorry about leaving some details out.

Thank you for helping me. :)

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