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Ok I'm getting frustrated/desperate.
I'm using RTAB with Animated Battlers (heh).
I'm using non animated sprites (spritesheets) and replacing them with animations I make in the database which are much more dynamic and fluid). I use an 'invisible' sprite during the ATTACK POSE. Then use the character sprites with the Caster Animation of the Skill or Weapon, then Target Animation is the slashes and explosions and stuff.
The problem is that the order happens like this...
slight pause (BAD!)
RETURN and Animations at the same time (BAD!) I set it up so that Target and Caster animations happen at the same time it's a variable inside RTAB that's easily altered. That part I want. However, I want the strage delay before the attack gone--I want the attack to happen as soon as my Character sprite reaches the Enemy. Then I want the sprite to STAY PUT until the animations finish, THEN return. I need the same thing to happen with RUSH in skills as well.

As I stated there will be a reward. If you can get this working to how I need It. I'll do a sprite sheet or a template that will match your style, or some other graphics thing you may need. On the contrary, If you can help me throughout this whole game, with all the scripting stuff I need. I PROMISE WITH ALL MY INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY, that I will be your spriting slave when I'm nearing completion on this. By the end, most graphics will be done anyway (they're getting there already), so I'd be eager to get back to spriting.
Please I'm desperate!!

Here is the file i'm working with so you can see what I mean...
Might as well help you with this, as you're helping me with my sprites.

*plays demo*

My, my. Those animations play really crappy, especially "Steal". May I ask why you are using animations for attacks instead of the sprite sheet itself? You can just change how many frames you want the sheet to have, so you can basically make limitless animations.

Ah well, I'll try and look for a solution. <,< I'd have to freeze the character at its place until the animation is done playing. Now I have to find the code which actually shows the current frame an animation is at.
They're just placeholders. But, I think the database animation system let's you do a lot. Cool flashes, resizing, rotation, tons of effects and sound effects. The interface itself is way easier to deal with in case something needs to be changed quickly and easily and you can get a LOT more done in a short amount of time.
That's something I didn't understand about the RTAB sideview - it uses sprite sheets, whereas I like ccoa's sprite strips, because I can have more frames for the attack pose of one character, while less frames for the attack pose of another character. But with the RTAB if one character needs more frames for the attack pose, all characters need more as well? Or what? That part puzzles me.

I wonder if the delay you're talking about is there so that animations can be used after a normal attack, rather than explosions etc happening before the first blow actually hits. *puzzled*

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