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Asking for a revolutionary Anti-lag script

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Did you ever try to put the frame rate to a value like 2000?
A strange thing happens at that value, when you have too much events acting, it appears a kind of rallenty effect (for who doesn't know, it's the slow-down effect, like you see at cinema).
I make an example: If putting 40 fps as default, in a map with too much events you get lag.
What do i mean with lag? I mean that you have 10-20 fps so you don't see the game smoothly, but events do still move at the same speed. So it's like there are 30-20 frame missing every second.
If instead you put 2000, then you have a slow-down effect: you get to have less fps, and the events move slower too. There are not frame missing, it's perfectly smooth. But things move slower.
I think the RGSS engine does that, but i'm not sure, and i suppose we could use this thing on the normal frame rate.
The script i need should get that rallenty effect when the computer is not able to play the RPG smoothly.
Anybody has an idea on how we could realize it?
This would be a new-concept kind of anti-lag script.
PLEASE don't post about old concept anti-lag scripts like Near fantastica's, Lambchop or whatever. I don't need to stop the update rate of out-of-sight events. I really don't need that.

Nope, absolutely not.
The concept it's similar but the use is too much caothic.
Read carefully what i wrote.

Or, yeah maybe modifying near fantastica's one, a scripter can manage to do what i'm saying, but that's not so easy customizing i mean i don't even know where to begin when i have under my eyes, and it definitively doesn't resolve the problem cause it doesn't make work just the event out of the screen, what i talk about can instead control the one inside the screen too...

Don't double post. Use the edit button.
DAMN TRIPLE POST!!!! Use the Edit button!
And I don't get... Near Fantasticas script does that, it doesn't let some events update, since what you are saying would be worst thatn the nears script!
Bump - Anybody has an idea? Somebody maybe working on it?
Thanks everybody again.

P.S.: does somebody know if rpgmaker has a framerate or an update specific frequence? I cannot find it in the scripts... does it update the events most as possible maybe?

@Chaos - if u say the script would be useless then it's just because u wouldn't know how to use it I suppose...
i have a 2 ghz and can support the most incredible graphics of the planet but... more than 30 events on the same screen (with a graphic on them) make lag a lot...
for instance i created a map with 80 people walkin around random, and it's like 3 frames for second...
Too much people doesn't understands here... I don't want to put ONE FRAME PER SECOND, do u understand it??????
Do you know how cinema works? U know that on a film u have 24 frames per seconds, and that's enough to seem real? U know it?
The Rpgmaker does much much more useless work that could be avoided.
I don't even know if it has a framerate, there is not a parameter! It seems that he just works as more as it is possible working.
And by the way, it's not FRAMERATE i wanna change, but is the updating frequence of events, the system checks them tooo often. That's what causes all the lag, you don't need to be a scripter to understand it.

@Twar: even a monkey would close background processe and things like that, okay? i do it too and doesn't change anything, the fact is, why are all the best graphical games doin any problems while a stupid 3d makes all that lag?????

P.S.: Near fantastica anti lag script is fine for me, yeah it works on what's out of sight, but the problem is for what is insight.
And if you say that this script is a stupid idea, at least explain why.
Do you know how cinema works? U know that on a film u have 24 frames per seconds, and that's enough to seem real? U know it?
RMXP defaults to 20 fps. Search the help file, the command to change it is in there.

And you do need to keep updating the events, or else your framerate will essentially go down in the eyes of anyone watching the events (since they move less often) and their move routes can break.
Ohhh thanks god a smart person! So it's 20 fps... fuk that's the frequence i was thinking to slow it down...
But explain me one thing, why could the move routes break?
Anyways i understand that slowing the frame rate under the 20 fps would surely make the problem visible... i thought rpgmaker had like 50 or somethin.
Then, nothing to do... so i really don't understand why it lags.
You fail to understnd how it works. You tell me i'm wrong yet, you can't do a simple anti-lag script.

Makign the FPS faster then 50 or slower then 20 does not effect lag. It makes the situation worse. The loops go faster or slower, this makes everything faster or slower.


I'm workign on it. The events that have the name "No Update" won't update. Thats what you want right?
I know perfectly how it works, it's just that you don't read what i write.
Now i'm not asking a script to increase frame rate, cause it would just make the game faster.
What i say it's that the script i downloaded, increased the frame rate, but it put the frame rate as MAX 120, and allowed to it to go slower when the computer cannot be so fast.
So, instead of having lag you get a rallenty effect. Is it clear now?
Now this is the script (sorry i don't know how to put it in code)
SDK.log('Playtesting Game Rush', 'sandgolem', 1, '19.07.06')

class Scene_Title
alias sg_gamerush_update update
def update
if Input.trigger?(Input::F8)
Graphics.frame_rate = 120
Now as you see, this just works on screen title, and just if you press the F8 button. As it makes 120 the MAX frame rate, i need it instead to put 20 as the max frame rate (that is the default one), so i'll have the normal speed and no lag (rallenty instead), and to be applied to all the game.
Can you do that?

P.s.: if you tell me the command to put it in code i'll edit it.
Script by sand golem
- a script that makes the events with name "no update" not updating would be totally useless, and know why? if they're graphics u'll never see them, if they are events they'll never do their job, u just killed them. And you have no way to activate them because you can't change the name in game, so what would be the utility?
Instead you could do a very useful script if you manage to do a thing like changing the update rate to events called "slow" to a personalized speed, like 1 fps... on certain events wouldn't be bad.
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