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Asignation bug

My problem is a strange bug. I iterate through a hahs that have various subhashes, looking for certain keys to sum two values depending on the contents.
It works well but when i add that sum the values based on game_variables, :)variables),
that asignation broke the code somewhat and every time it try to add with the += to it
its like a = so at the end the values are 0 and -150, and not the sum of all.
    elsif key == :variables

        for key, val in arr

          p key, val

          if val[0] == 1


             v += $game_variables[key]

             p 'var v', v



             r += $game_variables[key] / 100

             p 'var r', r, $game_variables[key] / 100




This is the problematic code, if i comment it, it works well.

Full code:

module Wep 


Actions = {


    :attack => {

        :weapons => {

          1 => [1, -150],

          2 => [2, 0.50]



        :armors => {

          13 => [1, -150],

          2 => [2, 0.50]


        :shields => {

          1 => [2, 0.50]


        :actors => {

          1 => [1, -150],

          2 => [2, 0.50]



        :classes => {

          1 => [1, -150],

          2 => [2, 0.50]


        :variables => {

          1 => [1],

          2 => [2]





    :general => {

        :weapons => {

          1 => [1, -150],

          2 => [2, 1.50]



        :armors => {

          1 => [1, -150],

          2 => [2, 1.50]



        :actors => {

          1 => [1, -150],

          2 => [2, 1.50]



        :classes => {

          1 => [1, -150],

          2 => [2, 1.50]


        :variables => {

          1 => [1],

          2 => [2]









  # 6 accions

  # iteres segons el codi,sumant tot, i executant segons el subcodi, i rula be

  # hiperfacil!



  # fer que lo de accions usi codi dels hashes, hipersimple aleshores

  # tu pases :defend i amb aixo, extreu de un hash de acciones, la bona, i ale

  def self.test(action_type, actor, extra=false)

    v = 0

    r = 0.0


    for key, arr  in Actions[action_type]

     #p key, arr

      if key == :weapons and actor.weapon_id != 0 

        id = actor.weapon_id

      elsif key == :shields and actor.armor1_id != 0

        id = actor.armor1_id

      elsif key == :variables

        for key, val in arr

          p key, val

          if val[0] == 1


             v += $game_variables[key]

             p 'var v', v



             r += $game_variables[key] / 100

             p 'var r', r, $game_variables[key] / 100







      #p arr, id

      if arr[id] != nil


          if arr[id][0] == 1

             v += arr[id][1]


             r += arr[id][1]


          p 'c', v, r




     p v, r


     # comprova q r no sigui negatiu



Sorry but I just don't understand what are you trying to accomplish here, could you give more explanation?
But from a quick look I at the code I'm pretty sure that this:


    elsif key == :variables

        for key, val in arr

          p key, val

          if val[0] == 1 #<---------------- THIS


             v += $game_variables[key]

             p 'var v', v



Could be causing a problem, since Hashes are hashes, they use KEYS as indexers not array index. So you should use there 1 or 2 like you specified above.
It looks like your problem stems from way over-complicating whatever it is that you're doing. Do away with using symbols, all the lamda syntax, and probably just use sub-arrays and not hashes, and your code will be much easier to manage. It looks all complicated at a glance, but if you break it down, what you're doing is quite simple and is not worth all that code.
You should really reconsider how you're going about this and simplify; also, you could clean this up and shorten it with a few simple changes in logic.

Even without the :variables part, id is going to get set by the actor's eq, but you are also using that number to determine whether you are adding to r or v; so, unless you have armor and weapon id's not equal and one is 1 and one 2, then one of these (v or r) is going to stay 0.

There is no need to use 1 -> [1], 2 -> [2]; using 1 and 2 to determine which value to add too is not a good method, you can simplify your code and make it easier to understand by not doing this; and when you are doing $game_variables[key] / 100, are you sure that $game_variables contains a float? Also, the outcome depends on what is in game_variables and what the actor's weapon/armor id's are, so without that info, this is hard to help with.

I can't tell what it is you want to do, but if you tell me, I can help you clean this up and get it working. PM me if you'd like assistance.

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