Juan J. Sánchez

Brain Zap is a puzzle video game published and developed by Coral Live! (‘kó-rə-līv) for the iOS and Android OS. It will be released in the Apple Market on July 1, 2012.
In Brain Zap, tests are done in order to measure a brain’s amount of neural connections or brain saps. The greater the amount of saps, the smarter the brain is or better its reaction time.
This is a commercial project.
You need to draw a mascot for Brain Zap. There is no preferred art style. The only requisite is for the artwork to be big enough for an iPhone app with retina display. The current iPhone 4S resolution is 640x960.
I was thinking of making the mascot a neuron, but that's up to you. His name is Dr. Albright, and he's an assistant neurologist.

These two images show examples of pet characters I think would fit with the game. I borrowed them from Google Images, and they will not be included in the final version of the game. The artwork should be capable of fitting in the right hand side of the screen, perhaps covering a bit of the text box.
Monday, March 12, 2012.
You guys can send me a PM with your artwork (for discretion) or you can send me an email at jjsanchezramirez@gmail.com. Ehe one I like the most gets payed $50 bucks via PayPal.
All image rights of the winning design transfer directly to Coral Live!
You can definitely turn in more than one submission. In fact, the more the merrier. If there's only one submission, and I don't like it, then you won't win by default. I'm sorry.
Also, if you want, you can turn in a sketch. If you win, you'll get payed $25 for the contest and $25 for finishing the sketch. This way you guys can also turn in rough drafts or works in progress.
If you have any questions, we can discuss them here or in private. I'm totally open to discussion.
I raised the prize a bit to see if there's any more interest. If I like the design, there's a good chance I'll be hiring you to do additional work for the game.