~Atlaswing~;112370 said:
Hmm... May i ask what pencil are you using? (type)
The strokes are nice IF you consider it a rough sketch but to much scribbles will make it very hard to erase if you wont ink the drawing first.
The figure has crossed over from realistic into anime... :D Very good job indeed! (the eyebrows are thick :P)
Yeah, my original desire was a manga style with realistic foundation. Lol.
For the first image I was using a generic #2 Pencil (wood), I believe i was hard lead. (Soft lead digs into the paper as it gets dull, making marks that show up more prominently than my base lines) I like hard lead beacause, in my experience, it keeps the same feel and texture throughout the experience, even as it dulls down, plus it dulls a point rather than rounded like most soft lead seems to do for me.
Uh, the second image was draw with a 0.7mm Rose Art mechanical pencil. I -really- hate 0.7mm, the lines it makes are so thick... but only base lines really show up with the scan/contrast formula I use so it works out in the end.
Addressing your concern about the trouble with cleaning, the first image looked WORSE than the second one when I was doing the foundation (huge sketchy circles, etc), I've been sketching since I was little, though, so I have a good habit of keeping the image clean as I go along. Honestly, I couldn't tell you the specifics of the erasers I use, there IS a very specific standard I look for, but its kind of hard to describe. Standard mechanical pencil erasers work really well, though they are usually limited (really small, etc.)
Uh, I used to use those push-up erasers, but I have a nasty habit of losing them... plus its annoying having to drop your pencil, pick up the eraser, drop the eraser, pick up the pencil. Too much brain work when you're trying focus on the elements of the picture, imo.
Hmm, yeah, I basically just use "school yard" standards these days, don't have many good quality (or even decent) supplies at home since i've only been back in my folks' place for like 2 months. After I get my Wii (w00t) and do all of my other xmas shopping and essential purchasing I'll probably do some heavy duty manga supplying. I'll let you know specifically the stuff I'm using, I'm probably going to experiment when it comes to pens (I want ot get into inking, I've never been big on it before.)
Uh, current schedule list:
Sagiri (rough sketch: 80% finished)
Ginga (Because I like his hair xD)
Roya (hmm, I want to try a pose I've never done before for her)
Amil Gaul (just hell yea xD a CHALLENGE!!)
Any other suggestions for images? I'm going to try and be experimental with all of them. (Please... no main stream ff stuff... like Sephiroth or Cloud or Squall.... maybe lesser known characters like Lani, Fujin, or something)