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Arshes's strangest costume yet..

This is a sprite I did a while back, but just didn't get around to posting. Boy, was it fun. I'm posting it now, because I think you'll all enjoy it.

So here he is, Arshes, wearing my halowe'en costume for next year. Arshes,
http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f377/screensorz/Random%20Sprites/TetrisArshes.png[/IMG]Tetris Block!!

And now, some of his friends have joined in on the fun.

I am doing more RTP characters like this, so stay tuned! Next up, tetris Gloria...




I want your babies! :p

That's AWESOME! I love it! Please do post anymore characters you do like this: it's so quirky, it's brilliant!
I agree, very awesome. ^__^ And very original. It'd be cool to see if there was some way to make an actual in-game puzzle with this.

Arshes and Gloria's tetris blocks fit perfectly together, of course. :eek: *waits for Lene to dash in and make an Arshes and Gloria tetris love story*

In all seriousness, though, I can smell the coolest puzzle in all of RTP history.
How does the poor man breathe!? O_o

Seriously, that's awesome! It reminds me how crappy my game's Franken-spriting looks in comparison to real spriting. :'( Anyways, great job! Love to see more!
That is awesome!

At Anime Weekend Atlanta 2005, there were three Tetris cosplayers that fit together. Then at Anime Weekend Atlanta 2006, the MC at the costume contest announced that the next costume up was Van Fanel from The Legend of Escaflowne. Then 05's green L walked out on stage. About the time the staff was scrambling to figure out if they had the wrong form, the L threw off the big Tetris block he had on on top of the Van costume!

No, this didn't have much to do with anything. But I'm feeling old today, so deal with my random storytimes.
Wow, thanks for all the posotive comments guys. Tetris Basil is coming along nicely, but production may be slow after I'm done the first few, as these sprites are not my top priority.
Wait, if Arshes was the Tetris block we love to hate, wouldn't he be the S or Z piece, and not the L piece? I have nothing against the L piece...
Actually, he's the J piece, and hes staying the J piece. I made him that so Gloria can be a piece that will fit right into him.

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