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Ares [6.5/60 hours]



I'm in too, it's a nice motivation to keep working on my game (made in rmxp). Although I'm not sure if I have 2 hours a day as I have school and work, but I'll see how far I'll come.
I already have a story in mind, and some of it (mainly introduction) is already written down. Details will follow later, prolly this weekend.
The Game will feature a custom ABS, puzzles, dungeons. (It will probably resemble the legend of zelda sometimes, because that's the main inspiration :P)
  • The Pixelmovement I have clashes with my own scripts, going to need some help with this.
  • Will eventually need to request some sprites (characters), I think (maybe I can do some myself)
  • LoZ Skyward Sword... (I'm sorry, but I AM going to play this (probably a lot :sad: ))

I won't release too much material (at least not in the first days), as everything will change and I don't want to spoil everything from the start ;)

Recent Updates":10duvv8j said:
November 3rd
  • More Scripting, added a nice feature to the titlescreen
  • Changed and fixed Saving/Loading
  • Got the bare skeleton of the ABS working (yay, finally! have been working on this for a very long time) The only things missing are graphics, database data, scripts for certain items and visual effects
Day total: 2.5 hours
November 2nd
  • Scriptinggg, finished a method regarding animating and made some minor fixes (1hr)
  • Worked on some abs graphics (15 min)
  • Added a neat (aestethic) feature to the loading screen, have something similar planned for the title screen... (30 min)
  • Planned and started a script that should improve fps later on (15 min)
Day total: 2 hours
November 1st
  • Improved Scene Map structure and with that finally finshed an important part of the ABS (and other small scripting) (1hr)
  • Changed the loading screen, nearly finished (not the final graphics yet) (1 hr)
Day total: 2 hours

  • A bunch of scripting done way before this, basicly the main structure of the game (will not count this towards the hours)
November 1st
  • Improved Scene Map structure and with that finally finshed an important part of the ABS (and other small scripting) (1hr)
  • Changed the loading screen, nearly finished (not the final graphics yet) (1 hr)
Day total: 2 hours
November 2nd
  • Scriptinggg, finished a method regarding animating and made some minor fixes (1hr)
  • Worked on some abs graphics (15 min)
  • Added a neat (aestethic) feature to the loading screen, have something similar planned for the title screen... (30 min)
  • Planned and started a script that should improve fps later on (15 min)
Day total: 2 hours
November 3rd
  • More Scripting, added a nice feature to the titlescreen
  • Changed and fixed Saving/Loading
  • Got the bare skeleton of the ABS working (yay, finally! have been working on this for a very long time) The only things missing are graphics, database data, scripts for certain items and visual effects
Day total: 2.5 hours

As a last note I'd like to say that I probably won't completely finish the game this month, but I hope to be able to release some kind of demo.



Daily update!

November 2nd
  • Scriptinggg, finished a method regarding animating and made some minor fixes (1hr)
  • Worked on some abs graphics (15 min)
  • Added a neat (aestethic) feature to the loading screen, have something similar planned for the title screen... (30 min)
  • Planned and started a script that should improve fps later on (15 min)
Day total: 2 hours

Have already finished the 2 hours for today (it's 5.26 pm here), now I'm off to work.
Maybe tonight I'll post a brief synopsis of the current planned story.



Another daily update!

November 3rd
  • More Scripting, added a nice feature to the titlescreen
  • Changed and fixed Saving/Loading
  • Got the bare skeleton of the ABS working (yay, finally! have been working on this for a very long time) The only things missing are graphics, database data, scripts for certain items and visual effects
Day total: 2.5 hours

Sorry I don't have any actual materials up yet, I'm quite busy these days and this weekend I'm off to my grandparents to help building their bathroom (which means no gamemaking 'cause they have no computer atm... The only thing I can do there is post and write the story on my iPod and post it here (they do have wi-fi :biggrin: )

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