Well I have been thinking of such things for quite some time; are humans getting more advanced, are we getting brighter?
I got insanely worried after watching the comedy movie Idiocracy. (Good movie, stupid but funny)
Anyway it pin pointed many things that is clearly obvious and kind of daunting.
Many of the world’s scientists could be preventing diseases or making the world "safer" and more livable. Instead many researches waste their true talents on such things as anti-aging creams, nasal development technology (erectile stimulation) and other non-major nuisances such as hair growth.
In fact behind all the make-up, hair colour, body building formula, weight loss operations how are we supposed to find someone who "loves us for who we are?"
What other evidence is there: of the fall toward stupidity?
The way-over-the-top idiotic movies that are displayed on the big screen, The apparent need for nudity in video-clips, parents demanding a game called ‘Bully’ to be banned because of it’s title. (Even if you don’t actually play the so-called Bully) A more recent and noticeable event is the crowd of shoppers that crushed a man under foot just to get their thanksgiving specials from Wal-Mart, totally forgetting the whole point to thanksgiving. Especially when some shoppers even continued wanting to shop after the police asked for them to remove themselves from the shop due to the man’s death.
Here in Australia we have what is called the Baby Bonus, at the moment you get $5000 dollars for first having a child and then on-going payments each month etc… What does this do? It inclines greedy people to have kids for just money and possessions, which they then tend to leave the kids in the care of their parents. (The grandparents of the kid so to speak) They aren’t having children because they want to hold the gift of life but to hold a bundle of cash.
The environment is also getting killed by pollution, and the environmental activists of anti-pollution cause more pollution by travelling via planes and jets to get to places in the world and talk to crowds about the environment. Yeah those gasses from the cars they drive and what not are perfectly fine as they are allowed to kill what they are fighting for.
This just shows the fact that as a race, humans stumble over their own two feet (good thing we don’t have four huh) and are hugely hypocritical.
So yeah do you see all this as advancement?
What is more important to a teenager these days: Books or booze? Give you a hint it’s usually the one that kills your brain cells rather than improving them.
With more “improvedâ€
I got insanely worried after watching the comedy movie Idiocracy. (Good movie, stupid but funny)
Anyway it pin pointed many things that is clearly obvious and kind of daunting.
Many of the world’s scientists could be preventing diseases or making the world "safer" and more livable. Instead many researches waste their true talents on such things as anti-aging creams, nasal development technology (erectile stimulation) and other non-major nuisances such as hair growth.
In fact behind all the make-up, hair colour, body building formula, weight loss operations how are we supposed to find someone who "loves us for who we are?"
What other evidence is there: of the fall toward stupidity?
The way-over-the-top idiotic movies that are displayed on the big screen, The apparent need for nudity in video-clips, parents demanding a game called ‘Bully’ to be banned because of it’s title. (Even if you don’t actually play the so-called Bully) A more recent and noticeable event is the crowd of shoppers that crushed a man under foot just to get their thanksgiving specials from Wal-Mart, totally forgetting the whole point to thanksgiving. Especially when some shoppers even continued wanting to shop after the police asked for them to remove themselves from the shop due to the man’s death.
Here in Australia we have what is called the Baby Bonus, at the moment you get $5000 dollars for first having a child and then on-going payments each month etc… What does this do? It inclines greedy people to have kids for just money and possessions, which they then tend to leave the kids in the care of their parents. (The grandparents of the kid so to speak) They aren’t having children because they want to hold the gift of life but to hold a bundle of cash.
The environment is also getting killed by pollution, and the environmental activists of anti-pollution cause more pollution by travelling via planes and jets to get to places in the world and talk to crowds about the environment. Yeah those gasses from the cars they drive and what not are perfectly fine as they are allowed to kill what they are fighting for.
This just shows the fact that as a race, humans stumble over their own two feet (good thing we don’t have four huh) and are hugely hypocritical.
So yeah do you see all this as advancement?
What is more important to a teenager these days: Books or booze? Give you a hint it’s usually the one that kills your brain cells rather than improving them.
With more “improvedâ€