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Another HP/SP type item?

Well, I'm stuck. I would like to be able to have an add-on to the default system where there is another item other than the SP and HP bars, and a way to apply that to skills. For example:

HP 10/80
TP 100/100 (All skills/items not set to element XX will drain from this normally, as it would be SP in the default system)
SP 50/70 (All skills/items that have element XX will affect this)

And have a skill that is set to take 10TP in the database use 10SP instead (flagged by a certain element), along with Items that can restore SP and what not. (Note, TP would be the default SP system, while the SP that I am stating here would be the new system.)

I am aiming for SDK compatibility if at all possible.

Thank you in advance.

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