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Another el felixio window skin: Classy Glassy WS


I'm not sure about the red part, but that looks great in battle.
Should I change the battle cursor graphic to something simpler?
Comments on how I should improve this please.



i would make the window colour a little less "on the opposite side of the colour chart"... other than that, i love thewindow border...it looks great!



if you were to change the battle pointer, keep them the same, except for point them up instead of sideways :D
Reminds you of mega man?
That line is in my project! lol
I'll make them point up instead. I was thinking of just having 2 arrows instead of all of them.
EDIT: So you all think the green arrows suit the blue theme?



are we talking about the green pointers or the inside of the window?
either way, it wouldn't be overly difficult to change it

if you cant do it then i could do it for you... all you need to do is ask :D
el felixio said:
So you all think the green arrows suit the blue theme?
yes... im quite fond of that shade of green with the blue... it looks nice... but if everyone else says otherwise then... eh... its yer choice...

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