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Anime Inspired Role Playing Game

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I watched your video, I must say that I am quite impressed with your ability to really draw the player into the short amount of story you have, and was quite ticked off when it suddenly ended. (-_-) You're so mean, I'll be thinking about how that ends ALL NIGHT! (o.o) Just kidding, but it does make me curious. I like the way the graphics look, and the mapping is not bad; though I am not one to judge mapping. Not bad at it, just not the one to judge it. Although, I do suggest that you put some character information, screenshots and the story in the topic. Not everyone will click on the link like I do. Who knows what you might find on the other side.

If you add those, I am quite sure that there will be people who will post comments!
Nifty. I don't care for anime stuff much, but it looks like some effort when into the project. I would put up a story, character bios, screenshots, and game info here, just because I believe those are the rules of this board.
Still neat though. Goodluck!
Hi, we'd prefer it if you had an actual thread here rather than just linking to a website, for a variety of reasons. Until then this is just advertising -- if you have time could you edit this into a proper project thread as per the rules/guidelines (a selection of screenshots and at least some game info)?




looked cheesy as fuck, the music was p.good but sounded super RTPish. The graphics were ok, but still it reeked of RPG Maker.
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