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Animated Bar?



Me again. I think I requested this before. Maybe I didn't explain very well. Anyways I was requesting a script than Animates a HP or SP bar. I try explaining this as best as I can. Say the HP or SP bar is full, as an enemy attacks you and deals damage to you, your HP or SP goes down but not in a flash, but IT goes down SMOOTHLY, like if you were drinking water with a straw. The way as the water is being drain or sucked out thats what I mean. I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear enough. But if you do get what i'm saying can you help me out with this request. If anyone has any infomation about this script, please let me know. Thanx.
Interesting idea. There are several "Gradient Bars" & "HP/SP Bars" scripts available already, but I don't think any of them are "smooth".

I think most of the scripts are add-ons to the Window_BattleStatus script. In this case I think they would need to be individual sprites that can update.

Here's a dilemma: Say you kill a monster (or you get killed) in one hit. Do you want the system to wait until the HP bar gradually gets to zero before the character dies?

Why didn't you use the template?



I Had a smothing bar script, but i lost it.

But i will remake it since i'm goig to use it on my project.

If no one makes one like this, i will send you mine when i finnish

I suppose not, since this bar is drawn with an fill_rect and draw_text, these methods have an really slow update.
I've got this script by Trickster, its an animated gradient bars script and it uses graphics for the actual bars.



# ●● Animated Gradient Bars 


# Trickster ([email=tricksterguy@hotmail.com]tricksterguy@hotmail.com[/email])

# Version 4.01

# Date 4/18/07

# Goto rmxp.org for updates/support/bug reports


# This script allows you to use Gradient Bars Anywhere. They are also animated

# and they smoothly decrease or increase to their value. This script comes with

# Hp/Sp/Exp bars for non scripters and a template for creating a gradient sprite

# for scripters. The Hp/Sp/Exp bars are configurable.





# ● Begin SDK Log


SDK.log('Animated Gradient Bars', 'Trickster', 4.01, '5/12/07')


# ● Begin SDK Requirement Check


SDK.check_requirements(2.0, [1, 2, 3])


# ● Begin SDK Enabled Check


if SDK.enabled?('Animated Gradient Bars')


module Gradient_Bars


  # * Use Viewport

  #   - Use A Viewport for the Sprite (For Side View Battle Systems


  Use_Viewport = false


  # * Bar Update Speed 

  #   - Number of Frames at which the bar updates


  Update_Speed = 1


  # * Bar Update Rate 

  #   - How fast the bar gets to destination (set to nil to disable0


  Update_Rate = nil


  # * Bar Update Time 

  #   - Number of Frames to Get to the amount. Overides Update_Rate


  Update_Time = 20


  # * Hp Bar Graphic

  #   - Syntax 'Class' => File

  #   - See Graphics/Gradients for file names

  #   - note: set to nil to draw no bar


  Hp_Bar_Graphic = {'Window_Help' => nil, 'Window_MenuStatus' => '003-Primary03'}

  Hp_Bar_Graphic.default = '015-Greens01'


  # * Sp Bar Graphic

  #   - Syntax 'Class' => File

  #   - See Graphics/Gradients for file names

  #   - note: set to nil to draw no bar


  Sp_Bar_Graphic = {'Window_Help' => nil, 'Window_BattleStatus' => '014-Reds01'}

  Sp_Bar_Graphic.default = '013-Blues01'


  # * Exp Bar Graphic

  #   - Syntax 'Class' => File

  #   - See Graphics/Gradients for file names

  #   - note: set to nil to draw no bar


  Exp_Bar_Graphic = {'Window_Help' => nil}

  Exp_Bar_Graphic.default = '014-Reds01'


  # * Slanted Bars

  #   - Draw Slanted Gradient Bars (Only Gradient Will be Slanted)


  Slanted_Bars = false


  # * Bar Border File

  #   - See Graphics/Gradients for file names


  Border = 'Back'


  # * Bar Background File

  #   - See Graphics/Gradients for file names


  Background = 'Back2'


  # * Border Dimension 

  #   - Bar Border Width and Height


  Border_Dim = 1


  # * Background Dimension 

  #   - Bar Backgoround Width and Height


  Background_Dim = 1


  # * (Hp|Sp|Exp) Tone Proc

  #   - Bars Change Color Based on Amount

  #   - Example Block

  #     proc do |percent|

  #       case percent * 100

  #       when 0...25

  #         [percent*255+64,0,0,128]

  #       when 25...50

  #         [percent*255,percent*128-32,0,96]

  #       when 50...75

  #         [percent*255,percent*255,0,64]

  #       when 75..100

  #         [(1-percent)*255,percent*255,0,32]

  #       end

  #     end

  #   - Note: Must return an array with these values [red, green, blue, alpha]


  Hp_Color_Proc = proc {|percent| 

  [255*(1-percent), 255*(percent), 255*(percent), 160*(1-percent)+10]}

  Sp_Color_Proc = nil

  Exp_Color_Proc = nil


  # * (HP|SP|EXP) 'Flourish' Colors

  #   - These Colors are Blended into the sprite.

  #   - Note: There must be at least two colors in the array for it to work

  #   - Shortcut Color methods:

  #     Color.red, Color.green, Color.blue, Color.yellow, Color.purple, 

  #     Color.orange, Color.white, Color.black, Color.gray


  Hp_Flourish = []

  Sp_Flourish = [Color.white, Color.blue, Color.black, Color.blue]

  Exp_Flourish = [

  Color.red, Color.new(128,0,0), Color.new(64,0,0), Color.black, 

  Color.new(64,0,0), Color.new(128,0,0)]


  # * (HP|SP|EXP) 'Flourishing' Speed 

  #   - Speed of 'Flourishing'

  #   - I Recommend something high 50-200


  Hp_Flourish_Speed = 75

  Sp_Flourish_Speed = 100

  Exp_Flourish_Speed = 25


  # * (HP|SP|EXP) 'Flourishing' Opacity

  #   - Alpha Blending for 'Flourish' Use a Low Value (16-128)

  #   - The Higher the Value the less it blends in


  Hp_Flourish_Alpha = 64

  Sp_Flourish_Alpha = 64

  Exp_Flourish_Alpha = 32



class Sprite_ActorHpBar < Sprite_GradientBar


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize(actor, x, y, width, height, file)

    # Get Actor Viewport if in scene battle else nil

    viewport = $game_temp.in_battle ? $scene.spriteset.viewport2 : nil

    # Set Viewport to nil if not using viewport

    viewport = nil if not Gradient_Bars::Use_Viewport

    # Get Border and Background

    back, back2 = Gradient_Bars::Border, Gradient_Bars::Background

    # Call Sprite_GradientBar#initialize

    super(x, y, width, height, 1, 1, 1, back, back2, viewport)

    # Setup Borders

    self.bx = Gradient_Bars::Border_Dim

    self.by = Gradient_Bars::Border_Dim

    # Setup Instance Variables

    @actor, @last, @file, @rate = actor, actor.hp, file, nil

    # Setup Speed and Update Count

    @speed, @update_count = Gradient_Bars::Update_Speed, 0

    # Setup Background Borders

    background.bx = Gradient_Bars::Background_Dim

    background.by = Gradient_Bars::Background_Dim

    # Refresh Boarder to Suit New Border


    # Set Blending to Addition

    self.blend_type = 1

    # Setup Florish if Conditions are correct

    if Gradient_Bars::Hp_Flourish.size > 1

      # Setup Change Rate Array

      @change_rate = []

      # Current Index is zero

      @current_flourish = 0

      # Get RGB Array from color

      rgb = Gradient_Bars::Hp_Flourish[0].to_rgb

      # Set Red, Green, and Blue

      color.red, color.green, color.blue = *rgb

      # Setup Alpha for Blending

      color.alpha = Gradient_Bars::Hp_Flourish_Alpha

      # Setup Flourishing



    # Refresh Sprite




  # * Setup "Flourishing"


  def setup_flourish

    # Get RGB Array from color

    rgb = Gradient_Bars::Hp_Flourish[@current_flourish].to_rgb

    # Set Red, Green, and Blue

    color.red, color.green, color.blue = *rgb

    # Get HSB Array from color

    hsb = color.to_hsb

    # Get Next Color to move to

    next_flourish = (@current_flourish + 1) % Gradient_Bars::Hp_Flourish.size

    # Get HSB Array from next color

    next_hsb = Gradient_Bars::Hp_Flourish[next_flourish].to_hsb

    # Get Rate of Change (Speed)

    rate = Gradient_Bars::Hp_Flourish_Speed

    # Clear Change Rate


    # Reset Count

    @count_flourish = rate

    # Set Values for Change Rate

    3.times {|i| @change_rate[i] = (next_hsb[i] - hsb[i]) / rate}



  # * Update


  def update

    # Call Sprite_GradientBar's update method

    # which in turn only calls Sprite's update method


    # Increase frame counter

    @count += 1

    # Decrease Update Counter

    @update_count -= 1 if @update_count > 0

    # Update Flourish if Conditions are right

    update_flourish if @change_rate != nil

    # Skip update if no speed or speed frames have not passed or in battle

    return if @speed == 0 or @count % @speed != 0

    # Update Bars




  # * Update "Flourishing"


  def update_flourish

    # Update Hue, Saturation, and Value

    color.hue += @change_rate[0]

    color.saturation += @change_rate[1]

    color.value += @change_rate[2]

    # Decrease Count 

    @count_flourish -= 1

    # Return if not zero

    return if @count_flourish != 0

    # Add one and Restrict to [0, size)

    @current_flourish = (@current_flourish + 1) % Gradient_Bars::Hp_Flourish.size

    # Setup Flourishing




  # * Update Bars, Decrease Contents Steadily


  def update_bars

    # Return if not updating

    return if not updatable? 

    # If Update Rate is nil then increment by current - last / time * +-1

    if Gradient_Bars::Update_Rate == nil

      # Get Rate

      @rate = (@actor.hp - @last) / Gradient_Bars::Update_Time.to_f

      # Increase By Rate

      @last += @rate


      # Increment Last By + 1 or -1 times Update Rate (move to current hp)

      @last += (@actor.hp - @last).sign * Gradient_Bars::Update_Rate


    # Restrict last to actor.hp, actor.maxhp if decreasing

    @last = [[@last, @actor.hp].max, @actor.maxhp].min if @last > @actor.hp

    # Restrict last to 0, actor.hp if increasing

    @last = [[@last, 0].max, @actor.hp].min if @last < @actor.hp

    # Refresh the bar




  # * Updatable?


  def updatable?

    return @last != @actor.hp && @update_count <= 0 && @actor.damage == nil



  # * Refresh


  def refresh

    # Redraw Bar


    # Draw Substance

    bitmap.draw_trick_gradient_bar_sub(0, 0, @last, @actor.maxhp, file, width,

      height, Gradient_Bars::Border, bx, by, Gradient_Bars::Slanted_Bars)

    # Return if no Color Proc given

    return if Gradient_Bars::Hp_Color_Proc == nil

    # Prevent Division by Zero

    percent = @actor.maxhp != 0 ? @last.to_f / @actor.maxhp : 0

    # Call Proc and send the percent to get color values

    new_color = Gradient_Bars::Hp_Color_Proc.call(percent)

    # Set New Color Size

    if new_color.size == 3

      # Set Red Green Blue

      color.red, color.green, color.blue = *new_color


      # Set Red Green Blue Alpha

      color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.alpha = *new_color





class Sprite_ActorSpBar < Sprite_GradientBar


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize(actor, x, y, width, height, file)

    # Get Actor Viewport if in scene battle else nil

    viewport = $game_temp.in_battle ? $scene.spriteset.viewport2 : nil

    # Set Viewport to nil if not using viewport

    viewport = nil if not Gradient_Bars::Use_Viewport

    # Get Border and Background

    back, back2 = Gradient_Bars::Border, Gradient_Bars::Background

    # Call Sprite_GradientBar#initialize

    super(x, y, width, height, 1, 1, 1, back, back2, viewport)

    # Setup Borders

    self.bx = Gradient_Bars::Border_Dim

    self.by = Gradient_Bars::Border_Dim

    # Setup Instance Variables

    @actor, @last, @file, @rate = actor, actor.sp, file, nil

    # Setup Speed and Update Count

    @speed, @update_count = Gradient_Bars::Update_Speed, 0

    # Setup Background Borders

    background.bx = Gradient_Bars::Background_Dim

    background.by = Gradient_Bars::Background_Dim

    # Refresh Boarder to Suit New Border


    # Set Blending to Addition

    self.blend_type = 1

    # Setup Florish if Conditions are correct

    if Gradient_Bars::Sp_Flourish.size > 1

      # Setup Change Rate Array

      @change_rate = []

      # Current Index is zero

      @current_flourish = 0

      # Get RGB Array from color

      rgb = Gradient_Bars::Sp_Flourish[0].to_rgb

      # Set Red, Green, and Blue

      color.red, color.green, color.blue = *rgb

      # Setup Alpha for Blending

      color.alpha = Gradient_Bars::Sp_Flourish_Alpha

      # Setup Flourishing



    # Refresh Sprite




  # * Setup "Flourishing"


  def setup_flourish

    # Get RGB Array from color

    rgb = Gradient_Bars::Sp_Flourish[@current_flourish].to_rgb

    # Set Red, Green, and Blue

    color.red, color.green, color.blue = *rgb

    # Get HSB Array from color

    hsb = color.to_hsb

    # Get Next Color to move to

    next_flourish = (@current_flourish + 1) % Gradient_Bars::Sp_Flourish.size

    # Get HSB Array from next color

    next_hsb = Gradient_Bars::Sp_Flourish[next_flourish].to_hsb

    # Get Rate of Change (Speed)

    rate = Gradient_Bars::Sp_Flourish_Speed

    # Clear Change Rate


    # Reset Count

    @count_flourish = rate

    # Set Values for Change Rate

    3.times {|i| @change_rate[i] = (next_hsb[i] - hsb[i]) / rate}



  # * Update


  def update

    # Call Sprite_GradientBar's update method

    # which in turn only calls Sprite's update method


    # Increase frame counter

    @count += 1

    # Decrease Update Counter

    @update_count -= 1 if @update_count > 0

    # Update Flourish if Conditions are right

    update_flourish if @change_rate != nil

    # Skip update if no speed or speed frames have not passed

    return if @speed == 0 or @count % @speed != 0

    # Update Bars




  # * Update "Flourishing"


  def update_flourish

    # Update Hue, Saturation, and Value

    color.hue += @change_rate[0]

    color.saturation += @change_rate[1]

    color.value += @change_rate[2]

    # Decrease Count 

    @count_flourish -= 1

    # Return if not zero

    return if @count_flourish != 0

    # Add one and Restrict to [0, size)

    @current_flourish = (@current_flourish + 1) % Gradient_Bars::Sp_Flourish.size

    # Setup Flourishing




  # * Update Bars, Decrease Contents Steadily


  def update_bars

    return if not updatable?

    # If Update Rate is nil then increment by current - last / time * +-1

    if Gradient_Bars::Update_Rate == nil

      # Get Rate

      @rate = (@actor.sp - @last) / Gradient_Bars::Update_Time.to_f

      # Increase By Rate

      @last += @rate


      # Increment Last By + 1 or -1 times Update Rate (move to current sp)

      @last += (@actor.sp - @last).sign * Gradient_Bars::Update_Rate


    # Restrict last to actor.sp, actor.maxsp if decreasing

    @last = [[@last, @actor.sp].max, @actor.maxsp].min if @last > @actor.sp

    # Restrict last to 0, actor.sp if increasing

    @last = [[@last, 0].max, @actor.sp].min if @last < @actor.sp

    # Refresh the bar




  # * Updatable?


  def updatable?

    return @last != @actor.sp && @update_count <= 0



  # * Refresh


  def refresh

    # Redraw Bar


    # Draw Substance

    bitmap.draw_trick_gradient_bar_sub(0, 0, @last, @actor.maxsp, file, width,

      height, Gradient_Bars::Border, bx, by, Gradient_Bars::Slanted_Bars)

    # If no Color Process Given

    return if Gradient_Bars::Sp_Color_Proc == nil

    # Prevent Division by Zero

    percent = @actor.maxsp != 0 ? @last.to_f / @actor.maxsp : 0

    # Call Proc and send the percent to get color values

    new_color = Gradient_Bars::Sp_Color_Proc.call(percent)

    # Argument expansion on returned array

    if new_color.size == 3

      color.red, color.green, color.blue = *new_color


      color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.alpha = *new_color





class Sprite_ActorExpBar < Sprite_GradientBar


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize(actor, x, y, width, height, file)

    # Get Actor Viewport if in scene battle else nil

    viewport = $game_temp.in_battle ? $scene.spriteset.viewport2 : nil

    # Set Viewport to nil if not using viewport

    viewport = nil if not Gradient_Bars::Use_Viewport

    # Get Border and Background

    back, back2 = Gradient_Bars::Border, Gradient_Bars::Background

    # Call Sprite_GradientBar#initialize

    super(x, y, width, height, 1, 1, 1, back, back2, viewport)

    # Setup Borders

    self.bx = Gradient_Bars::Border_Dim

    self.by = Gradient_Bars::Border_Dim

    # Setup Instance Variables

    @actor, @last, @file, @rate = actor, actor.now_exp, file, nil

    # Setup Speed and Update Count

    @speed, @update_count = Gradient_Bars::Update_Speed, 0

    # Setup Background Borders

    background.bx = Gradient_Bars::Background_Dim

    background.by = Gradient_Bars::Background_Dim

    # Refresh Boarder to Suit New Border


    # Set Blending to Addition

    self.blend_type = 1

    # Setup Florish if Conditions are correct

    if Gradient_Bars::Exp_Flourish.size > 1

      # Setup Change Rate Array

      @change_rate = []

      # Current Index is zero

      @current_flourish = 0

      # Get RGB Array from color

      rgb = Gradient_Bars::Exp_Flourish[0].to_rgb

      # Set Red, Green, and Blue

      color.red, color.green, color.blue = *rgb

      # Setup Alpha for Blending

      color.alpha = Gradient_Bars::Exp_Flourish_Alpha

      # Setup Flourishing



    # Refresh Sprite




  # * Setup "Flourishing"


  def setup_flourish

    # Get RGB Array from color

    rgb = Gradient_Bars::Exp_Flourish[@current_flourish].to_rgb

    # Set Red, Green, and Blue

    color.red, color.green, color.blue = *rgb

    # Get HSB Array from color

    hsb = color.to_hsb

    # Get Next Color to move to

    next_flourish = (@current_flourish + 1) % Gradient_Bars::Exp_Flourish.size

    # Get HSB Array from next color

    next_hsb = Gradient_Bars::Exp_Flourish[next_flourish].to_hsb

    # Get Rate of Change (Speed)

    rate = Gradient_Bars::Exp_Flourish_Speed

    # Clear Change Rate


    # Reset Count

    @count_flourish = rate

    # Set Values for Change Rate

    3.times {|i| @change_rate[i] = (next_hsb[i] - hsb[i]) / rate}



  # * Update


  def update

    # Call Sprite_GradientBar's update method

    # which in turn only calls Sprite's update method


    # Increase frame counter

    @count += 1

    # Decrease Update Counter

    @update_count -= 1 if @update_count > 0

    # Update Flourish if Conditions are right

    update_flourish if @change_rate != nil

    # Skip update if no speed or speed frames have not passed

    return if @speed == 0 or @count % @speed != 0

    # Update Bars




  # * Update "Flourishing"


  def update_flourish

    # Update Hue, Saturation, and Value

    color.hue += @change_rate[0]

    color.saturation += @change_rate[1]

    color.value += @change_rate[2]

    # Decrease Count 

    @count_flourish -= 1

    # Return if not zero

    return if @count_flourish != 0

    # Add one and Restrict to [0, size)

    @current_flourish = (@current_flourish + 1) % Gradient_Bars::Exp_Flourish.size

    # Setup Flourishing




  # * Update Bars, Decrease Contents Steadily


  def update_bars

    # Return if not updating

    return if not updatable?

    # If Update Rate is nil then increment by current - last / time * +-1

    if Gradient_Bars::Update_Rate == nil

      # Get Rate

      @rate = (@actor.now_exp - @last) / Gradient_Bars::Update_Time.to_f

      # Increase By Rate

      @last += @rate


      # Increment Last By + 1 or -1 times Update Rate (move to current exp)

      @last += (@actor.now_exp - @last).sign * Gradient_Bars::Update_Rate


    # Restrict last to actor.now_exp, actor.next_exp if decreasing

    @last = [[@last, @actor.now_exp].max, @actor.next_exp].min if @last > @actor.now_exp

    # Restrict last to 0, actor.now_exp if increasing

    @last = [[@last, 0].max, @actor.now_exp].min if @last < @actor.now_exp

    # Refresh the bar




  # * Updatable?


  def updatable?

    return @last != @actor.now_exp && @update_count <= 0



  # * Refresh


  def refresh

    # Clear Bitmap


    # Draw Substance

    bitmap.draw_trick_gradient_bar_sub(0, 0, @last, @actor.next_exp, file, width,

      height, Gradient_Bars::Border, bx, by, Gradient_Bars::Slanted_Bars)

    # Return if no color proc given

    return if Gradient_Bars::Exp_Color_Proc == nil

    # Prevent Division by Zero

    percent = @actor.next_exp != 0 ? @last.to_f / @actor.next_exp : 0

    # Call Proc and send the percent to get color values

    new_color = Gradient_Bars::Exp_Color_Proc.call(percent)

    # Argument expansion on returned array

    if new_color.size == 3

      color.red, color.green, color.blue = *new_color


      color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.alpha = *new_color





class Scene_Battle


  # * Public Instance Variables


  attr_reader :spriteset



class Window_Base


  # * Object Initialization


  alias_method :trick_gradient_bars_base_initialize, :initialize

  def initialize(*args)

    # Setup Bar Sprites

    @hp_bar_sprites = {}

    @sp_bar_sprites = {}

    @exp_bar_sprites = {}

    # The Usual




  # * Draw HP

  #     actor : actor

  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate

  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate

  #     width : draw spot width


  alias_method :trick_gradient_bars_base_draw_actor_hp, :draw_actor_hp

  def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 144)

    # Draw HP

    trick_gradient_bars_base_draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width)

    # Get Gradient File

    file = Gradient_Bars::Hp_Bar_Graphic[self.class.to_s]

    # Return if sprite has been setup

    return if @hp_bar_sprites[actor] != nil or file == nil

    # Setup the bar

    draw_x, draw_y = self.x + x + 16, self.y + y + 32

    # Create Bar

    sprite = Sprite_ActorHpBar.new(actor, draw_x, draw_y, width, 32, file)

    # Set Y Coordinate

    sprite.y = self.y + y + 32 + (8 - sprite.height)

    # Tag Sprite


    # Set Reference

    @hp_bar_sprites[actor] = sprite

    # Add Sprite to Window Sprites

    @window_sprites << sprite



  # * Draw SP

  #     actor : actor

  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate

  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate

  #     width : draw spot width


  alias_method :trick_gradient_bars_base_draw_actor_sp, :draw_actor_sp

  def draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144)

    # The Usual

    trick_gradient_bars_base_draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width)

    # Get Gradient File

    file = Gradient_Bars::Sp_Bar_Graphic[self.class.to_s]

    # Return if bar is already setup

    return if @sp_bar_sprites[actor] != nil or file == nil

    # Setup the bar

    draw_x, draw_y = self.x + x + 16, self.y + y + 32

    # Create Bar

    sprite = Sprite_ActorSpBar.new(actor, draw_x, draw_y, width, 32, file)

    # Set Y Coordinate

    sprite.y = self.y + y + 32 + (8 - sprite.height)

    # Tag Sprite


    # Set Reference

    @sp_bar_sprites[actor] = sprite

    # Add Sprite to Window Sprites

    @window_sprites << sprite



  # * Draw Exp

  #     actor : actor

  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate

  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate


  alias_method :trick_gradient_bars_base_draw_actor_exp, :draw_actor_exp

  def draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y)

    # The Usual

    trick_gradient_bars_base_draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y)

    # Get Gradient File

    file = Gradient_Bars::Exp_Bar_Graphic[self.class.to_s]

    # If Sprites is already setup for actor

    return if @exp_bar_sprites[actor] != nil or file == nil

    # Setup the bar

    draw_x, draw_y = self.x + x + 16, self.y + y + 32

    # Create Bar

    sprite = Sprite_ActorExpBar.new(actor, draw_x, draw_y, 204, 32, file)

    # Set Y Coordinate

    sprite.y = self.y + y + 32 + (8 - sprite.height)

    # Tag Sprite


    # Set Reference

    @exp_bar_sprites[actor] = sprite

    # Add Sprite to Window Sprites

    @window_sprites << sprite




class Game_Actor


  # * Get the current EXP


  def now_exp

    return @exp - @exp_list[@level]



  # * Get the next level's EXP


  def next_exp

    exp = @exp_list[@level+1] > 0 ? @exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level] : 0

    return exp




class Window_Help


  # * Alias Listings


  if @trick_gradient_bars_help.nil?

    alias_method :trick_gradient_bars_help_visible=, :visible=

    @trick_gradient_bars_help = true



  # * Set Visibility


  def visible=(bool)

    # The Usual

    self.trick_gradient_bars_help_visible = bool

    # If Setting to Invisible

    if bool == false

      # Dispose All

      get_gradient_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.dispose}

      # Remove Each From Window Sprites

      get_gradient_sprites.each {|sprite| @window_sprites.delete(sprite)}

      # Clear All




    # If Actor Defined

    elsif @actor != nil

      # Set All to Invisible

      get_gradient_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.visible = false}

      # If Key Exists in Hp Bar Sprite

      if @hp_bar_sprites.has_key?(@actor)

        # Set Old Actor Hp Bar to invisible

        @hp_bar_sprites[@actor].visible = true


      # If Key Exists in Sp Bar Sprite

      if @sp_bar_sprites.has_key?(@actor)

        # Set Old Actor Sp Bar to invisible

        @sp_bar_sprites[@actor].visible = true 


      # If Key Exists in Exp Bar Sprite

      if @exp_bar_sprites.has_key?(@actor)

        # Set Old Actor Exp Bar to invisible

        @exp_bar_sprites[@actor].visible = true 





  # * Set Actor

  #     actor : status displaying actor


  alias_method :trick_gradient_bars_help_set_actor, :set_actor

  def set_actor(actor)

    # If Actor Change and An Actor

    if actor != @actor and @actor != nil

      # If Key Exists in Hp Bar Sprite

      if @hp_bar_sprites.has_key?(@actor)

        # Set Old Actor Hp Bar to invisible

        @hp_bar_sprites[@actor].visible = false 


      # If Key Exists in Sp Bar Sprite

      if @sp_bar_sprites.has_key?(@actor)

        # Set Old Actor Sp Bar to invisible

        @sp_bar_sprites[@actor].visible = false 


      # If Key Exists in Exp Bar Sprite

      if @exp_bar_sprites.has_key?(@actor)

        # Set Old Actor Exp Bar to invisible

        @exp_bar_sprites[@actor].visible = false 


      # If Key Exists in Hp Bar Sprite

      if @hp_bar_sprites.has_key?(actor)

        # Set Old Actor Hp Bar to invisible

        @hp_bar_sprites[actor].visible = true


      # If Key Exists in Sp Bar Sprite

      if @sp_bar_sprites.has_key?(actor)

        # Set Old Actor Sp Bar to invisible

        @sp_bar_sprites[actor].visible = true 


      # If Key Exists in Exp Bar Sprite

      if @exp_bar_sprites.has_key?(actor)

        # Set Old Actor Exp Bar to invisible

        @exp_bar_sprites[actor].visible = true 



    # The Usual




  # * Set Text


  alias_method :trick_gradient_bars_help_set_text, :set_text

  def set_text(*args)

    # Dispose All

    get_gradient_sprites.each {|sprite| sprite.dispose}

    # Remove Each From Window Sprites

    get_gradient_sprites.each {|sprite| @window_sprites.delete(sprite)}

    # Clear All




    # The Usual




  # * Get Gradient Sprites


  def get_gradient_sprites

    return (@hp_bar_sprites.values + @sp_bar_sprites.values + 





#  End SDK Enabled Check



It requires SDK Parts 1, 2 and 3 though, I donno if thats an issue or not. Also, you obviously need these to get started, I wouldn't bother unzipping it in a single project folder I just put these directly into the RTP so I don't have to copy and paste them all the time. And the nice thing is, if you're a graphics guru, you can easily make your own custom bars =P


You can download them all here

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