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An Interesting thouht about Norse Mythology

I am digging a little deep into Norse mythology, and found a interesting thing to think about.
Niord (Nj?r?, Njord) was one of the gods but was an Vanr not an As, he has two children Frey and Freyja with his sister, so they are Vanr.

The Vanr were the leftovers of an older religion and were gods of fertility, so it was only logical to make one of them the god of fertility(Frey) and the other goddess of love(Freyja). That isn't very interesting itself but here is the good part.

Then come Ragnarok Norsemen weren't very fond of sending women into battle (no matter what some romantic-era paintings say) goddesses or no so the women wait at home including of course: Freyja.

And Freyr gets killed. After Ragnarok the few surviving gods make a new pantheon, due to the shortage of gods each would probably have to told more titles than one then there is only one Vanr left in the pantheon Freyja so she would probably be given the title of goddess of fertility.

I for one don't think it's very wise to make the same person the goddess of love and goddess of fertility.
Anyone else think that that when the new Midgard will rise from the waters it will be grossly overpopulated.

Ok these ramblings are probably not very interesting for anyone else than me but I can still hope.

I just had to tell someone :D
Hmmm....you know, I never thought about that (I studied Norse Mythology for a short time as an elective), but I believe the there would be a natural limit that the gods would impose. Or perhaps after the certain amount of people has been reached, the Goddess of Fertility refuses to give any more birthes til some people finally die out.
And there is the fact that only two humans survived Ragnarok, for a time it would probably be a good thing to have increased fertility.



One could say the same thing about any religon (but I wouldn't recommend it). Doesn't make it any less fun to speculate on, if one is so inclined.

Anyway, if the gods had kids once, they can have more. The god population can be repopulating at the same time the human one is.

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