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An great idea for online gaming

Im making a online gaming,and who is making one too.....take a look to this request:
I need a hotel sript and a building script who works togheter and got to be compatible with:SDK,netplay plus,mr mo abs,visual equipement,reflects(all that package doned by ratain)cheating script.
And, if someone can helps me...an GM and ADMIN script compatible with all this.....please help me....:please02:
the cheat one is if i dont found a gm script(yes you are right),making "cheats" who only gms know.......transforming it at a command script 8-)

i want a script for ANY PLAYER:buy a room(or house) and BUILD's like the sims(i hate this game,but i think this is a cool think:you make your own house at an online game^_^)...please:thumb:
Ill say exactly what i want:
I need a script for this:

1-the player gone buy your room or house
2-after he buy it,only inside his house,he can buy objects and put where he wants....,like at the rpg maker,when you make your maps,but he only can change his map house,and cant change the game configurations and maps.....

Now i only need the GM script
Ragna, when 2.0 is out you should be able to make it yourself. No we will not be including a hotel script, however global variables, switches and events should mean you can make it yourself.

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