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An attempt for the pen/pencil art competition.

I'm not sure if this is ok to still submit after I get some advice on here, but I'll ask. What can I do to improve on this drawing. I know that the effects suck, and I would like some advice. This is the first time I've used pen effects, so I'm really not sure how to do anything.

And please, be honest. You don't have to sugarcoat anything, but please, if something has been stated about the drawing, don't post saying the exact same thing that they said. And please, give me advice and not just bash me. Thank you.

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w4/S ... kLight.jpg[/img]

Character designs are from pickle/iceaxe for the girl and gozaru for the guy.
oh lawl. totaly lose the OMG ACTION LINES auras and we'll talk. I am not sure what your 'element' is supposed to be but if you are trying to illustrate fire or light or darkness..... u have the wrong idea. Try somthing smoother.

not horibly tragic otherwise. Her hands need work. But yes please please pelase try to untz out those HEY LOOK AT ME lines ._.
What do you suggest when making light and darkness? I really hated the lines, too, I just don't know what I really can do with a pen. This is my first time using pen effects, so I kinda suck.
for light i would do like vertical kinda heavenly spotlight kinda thing, like in the woods when light shines down thru the tree canopies etc.

for darkness, hmm, i would play around with some kind of bottom centered wispy almost smoke like "energy"
make the black bit more amorphus and organic in shape. Whispey even, like a miasma. as for the light, that's a little harder without color.
its gonna be hard to pull off "light" with a pen, you may want to switch over to pencil, then at least you can get a lot lighter values
Sorry. Not much I can do about that black on her. I used that border to get rid of the speed lines. I thought it looked funky, too, though. You know, I'm not sure how much more I can change on this drawing, though. I'm running out of space.
Hmmm... I'll Try to put it on a new piece of paper. Usually, I end up ruining it during the tracing process, but I'll see what I can do.
and also when you redo the light, dont make it such a close looking source of light. thats like the "flashlight element" i think you wanna go for something a little more epic, like the sun, or heavenly beams. your "rays" of light come down like /\ you need more like / /

i do like the way youre going with the darkness, i would say when you redo it make it only come up to waist-chest height so hes kinda wading thru it, or its radiating off him and sinking like a thick seeping evil taint (not to be confused with that little patch of skin between....)
Bleh, I should have read the whole thread first. That beaming light idea would have been better than this. Regardless, I'll explain what I'm trying to show for ya. Some of this stuff won't help you in your contest but its nice general knowledge you may or may not already know.


These are called Kirby Dots, or sometimes the Kirby Crackle. Named after Jack Kirby who was a rather famous comic book artist. They're nice quick and simple to make, and work well to lead the eye to a focal point. The green arrows are indications of directing the eye to a focal point, which is naturally the girl. I'm unfamiliar with the characters, and don't really know all the rules to the contest, so this may not work in this particular situation. You could however, do the same thing only with a light beam from above. Like I said, had I read that before I would have done it, because I think it'd work a lot better. It also doesn't have to be dots, I've seen people using the same idea drawing little triangular dots to suggest entire trees this way. I'm using a digital medium here, but they're probably even easier with real ink. Just grab a sharpie or a fattie black marker (round tip if you want dots though) and knock it out in a few seconds. Vary dot size by varied pressure of course. I'll link to a tutorial I found at the bottom, although it happens to be very similar to what I have here. =/ In reality you can do any kind of pattern, I (and apparantly the tutorial) both are basing off leading the eye.

Now the red lines are a composition thing. This probably won't give you a boost in the contest, but its really handy to know. Pro photographers use this all the time, its called the Rule of Thirds. Basically what you do is simply disect your page into approximately thirds (you don't have to actually draw the lines of course). Then you line your focal point either along the lines or place the characters eyes directly on an intersecting point. Since I was mainly illustrating the Kirby dots and its properties in this quickie, I made it wider. You could keep it exactly how you have it but just adjust your characters abit so that they intersect the points (typically the eyes would line up on an intersection with pin-ups). It just gives it a more overall pleasant presentation. Its SO common in photography my crappy little digi cam has an option to turn a grid on in the LCD display to assist in aligning to them lol. Drawing of course you can do all kinds of things you simply cannot in photography so its not quite as common, but you'll still see it a lot in professional art if you know to look for it. Handy to know if you don't already, if you're ever the designated cameraman on vacation, it'll assist there as well  . ^_^

Some extra links:
Kirby Dots Tutorial
Kirby Dots Wiki page (has a silver surfer illustration with a more chaotic organization of the dots)
Rule of Thirds Wiki (great photograph that demonstrates it)

Great stuff btw. You do great poses, very natural and casual.
the darkness is significantly improved. the light as mentioned by others does feel like cloth.  ... which should serve as consolation if u ever need to do clothing. i hate folds in cloth they drive me crazy for some reason i dont quite grasp them.

Re-tracing or starting over might not be a bad idea. u have a week ro few left for your submition and sometimes starting over again is the best thing for a peice, rather than trying to doctor it over and over.

i may have failed to mention this earlyer: You say your new to cross hatching and pen rendering? You've done a pretty good job for novice work. I hate ink lol. Digital inking in Illustrator FTW <_<''
yeah i didnt really have anything much to critique on his linework. its really pretty damn good for a drop on into the page with an idea in his head and start grindin' away.

and mascarpone, tisk tisk on the cloth, you of all people should know what to do about that, grab a t-shirt, toss it somewhere and draw it, again and again and again
the clean nazis throw a fit if i have cloths on the floor (lame excuse)

i know i'm lazy. I wonder if they have a pill to cure lazyness.

edit: mm btw zepherdoodles. if you do redo it, when u do the hair, dont fill it up with so many un planned scratchey lines.be methodic when u ink hair.

http://exshima.deviantart.com/art/morta ... D-15924182

This is somthign by my frined penelope, it's old (shes gotten absurdly better check out her DA if u feel like it) but (despite that fact that she did this on lined paper.. tisk tisk) note the solid shapes in the Hair. it's anime-ey yes but when doing ink, even in a comic book way like you're doing, you might be better off with hair in peices rather than scetchy strands.

see also http://remainaery.deviantart.com/art/RP ... s-69763363 by my other friend who makes me turn 12 shades of green.

not as good an example for this scenario per se but you still see what i mean by the hair having pieces.
(btw i will marry that man some day. ... when move to germany... <_<)
I see. Thank you guys. But I don't think I will have time to fill the deadline if I start over. I have a deadline for a final in art that's gonna take me two weeks. But I learned a lot from you guys.

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