I did kind of mean to ask questions so I'll snap into answers :p, thanks Volrath
They're very broad and I may not sure I'll hit an answer to what you intended, I might take the context wrong.
-Government-provided health care
I'm actually against doing it, but am fully in support of the idea. I think it could be something great, but I don't think we as a country can deal with that right now.
-Oil vs. alternative energy sources
Alternative energy sources. Not really for "green" reasons but merely because it's less of a mess, and could effectively cost cheaper in the long run when it really matters to me.
I would love to have a house that runs off wind power, solar power, and recycled vegetable matter. Less bills to pay, so long as it was efficient. I definitely back alternative energy sources.
Including cadavers :straightthumb:
-War in Iraq
I think we screwed up worse than if we handed out cake and ice cream.
I honestly think whatever we do is wrong. There is no right solution. I'm not anti-war or against reasons behind these wars, but I'm certainly against the practices and means it took to get us here. I really can't say. I don't think war is evil, I may agree with some of the ends we've had, but how we got to those ends is completely fucked. I can't even answer this one honestly.
I love immigration. It's one of my favorite things in the world, I live in a large city where I absolutely love the culture mix of hundreds of subcultures and peoples. I think we should support easier and cheaper immigration, though I think our checks should be a little more. When we check for diseases and things like that, simply because a neighbor was told to go to the doctor and fill out all these papers, never did half of it and walked out of the doctors office - and got his green card anyway. I'm against keeping immigrants out. I don't see a reason for it other than racism or some other bigotry.
I don't agree with how we deal with immigrants await deportation, simply because it fails - you go to a holding area and they let you go and tell you to come back... and you don't because your actually the smarter on this one.
I don't think illegal immigrants should be given drivers licenses, or... this is tough because I want to say funded healthcare, but I would never turn someone away from medical treatment... Things like this, the "rights" of illegals is so damn touchy even I can't find a standing point on when to say "I don't know".
-Gay marriage
Pro Gay Marriage. I think "civil unions" even with the full rights of marriage is retarded. It's rude. It's a marriage, you can get married in court without god's presence so I don't see the religious argument there. I'm very gay rights.
Pro-Choice. I'd love to say I'm prolife in a perfect world, but in the really real world I'm 100% behind pro-choice. I also think sex ed should cover abortion as well as contraceptives and should be mandatory if it mattered. As to when the pregnancy can be called off... eek... I personally don't think life can be considered started until you can survive on your own. I'm not saying perfectly healthy, but if there is within reason a chance that if labor was somehow induced, if that fetus once birthed could live successfully - that's too late. When that starts... I don't know. Third trimester? Sure, I'm fine there. It's not hurting my view, and makes sense I suppose.
If it'll kill the mother and the baby, or seems like it most likely will - I can say have an abortion if you want with a clean conscience.
I don't think teens should be mandatory to inform their guardians when an HIV test can be completely confidential to have. I don't think adoption is any better or worse than abortion. If they were both confidential or mandatory - fine. Either or, I honestly don't have an opinion other than if one is allowed, the other should. They both to me are in the same tree - actually the same branch just split down somewhere closer to the trunk.
-Church and state separation
100% behind the separation beyond most anyone I know. I'm adamant about this to a near rabid point.
I get pissed off at when people say "you can't pray in schools anymore but they let those Muslims pray" - which there is a line there. You can pray, any student can pray - just the school can't tell you to pray, totally different. Particularly when even when I went to school in the 80's for Lent Fridays hot lunch was almost always some degree of meatless. Because Lent, Fridays you don't eat meat - so how the hell is that okay, but allowing someone to pray (instead of telling them to) wrong. Things like that.
I'm very against religion use and iconography on a universal measure. "In God we trust" for example. I wouldn't care if they had a dollar without it, along with it. As well as "In Kali we trust" or whatever. I wouldn't care if every other denomination was involved - it would be too much though to be reasonable, but I'd actually prefer that as opposed to having "In God we trust", but I'd rather see the whole thing gone.
This includes "One nation under God".
-Tax the rich or no?
I hate this because I don't know.
I think tax breaks for business are a good idea, do I think it's actually best? No clue. Economics is not my strong suit. I do believe though that individuals should not be given a break simply because they have more. Nor do I see why someone with less should have more taken. I'm very poor, and my paycheck would be cut down so much that I couldn't afford rent in this neighborhood if I had a legal job. But I work under the counter, so I keep it all - tax and everything. I can get buy if I really needed (if I had to support myself with this money alone).
COLEGE":2tmf204g said:
What's your opinion on Reagonomics?
Like communism, it's a great idea on paper.
It fails when you practice it. It did do well for spots, but I honestly think it hurt over all. Though I still think it's in a way partially in the right direction.
Anything else?
Death Penalty: For it as opposed to keeping someone in a jail for decades without the possibility of parole, when you can in the eyes of the court say "this person can not be healed, and will always be a danger to those around them". And honestly, I wouldn't believe that can happen that much.
Pulling the plug/mercy killings: If it's in the will, go for it. If the majority of family are for it, go for it. If you can have some way to convince a doctor this is what a person who is now brain dead would have wanted, with more than just your words and display of emotion, go for it.
What was that case in Florida with the coma lady, where Bush (the brother) got involved even? That was embarrassing.
Wyatt":2tmf204g said:
Aren't there other parties to vote for than just those two?
It's called a hypothetical.
I did say I'm a registered non party independent, and that in this hypothetical situation if forced to chose between the two I don't know what would be the choice. Consider it futile curiosity in an attempt to understand where I stand. The worse judge of someone is always the mirror.
My dad thinks he's a conservative, and he votes Republican - but everything he stands for is very liberal, which is so god damn funny. But he's completely blind to it.
Incognitus":2tmf204g said:
Why do you have you have to find a niche on the arbitrary and entirely artificial two-party split? It's just completely and utterly retarded.
I agree, but for curious reasons I want to know where I lean. I'm 100% sincere when I say I just don't know. I've said I'm more conservative, I've said I'm more liberal - but I couldn't say which. I'm not really trying to find a niche so much as I'm trying to figure out where I happen to be, simply because a definition would stop some foolish curiosity popping up in the back of my head.
Also, I'm formerly "sixtyandaquarter", "sixty", "60.25" etc.
I'm the guy with the avatar of a brownish and greenish amphibian named Toadie if that helps, since he tends to be more known than me :toadie:.
Des changed my name along with others